
April 28, 2007

Question: “ Greetings Ma-Ryah, I would appreciate your guidance as I feel really blocked emotionally at the moment and am causing myself quite a lot of harm. I have been presented with a lot of evidence from the spirit world about affairs of my heart, but feel none the less in a complete deadlock situation. I am also unsure about whether my location and profession are incorrect and have problems with money. Any guidance that you may offer would be greatly appreciated.      My love, Steven

Answer: “ God’s blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be pleased to give some guidance as well as understanding of what occurs now in your life.

You seek to receive manifested experiences within your world to allow you to experience love. Your world mirrors back to you what you experience within Self. It is the beauty and gift of your world. Always are you able to know what thoughts, feelings and judgments you as human beings hold within Self towards Self and others by what is mirrored back to your own self. You create harm for self ~ we would ask why you seek to create this for self? Perhaps to be able to know your own self as being able to be loved and created with from an understanding and compassionate place within self rather than judgment, criticism and rejection. You have been very harsh towards your own self in the judgment of self, especially in the past seventeen months of your life. Your world merely mirrors that back to self. Are you able to view and review your life from a different perspective? Are you able to imagine the life viewed and reviewed as though you hear and bear witness to the life and choices made by self as though you view it from another? Then are you able to see how each of those experiences and choices created beautifully the human being who now seeks to know self from a place of balance, harmony and love? Are you able to see with respect how much courage was required for some of the experiences? Are you then able to see compassionately the human being, because of all these experiences now seeks to experience life in a gentler way? In a way which is more harmonic and joyful? Then with understanding, compassion and celebration of the total experiences being seen and understood ~ then your world does indeed reflect experiences to assist you to create more from a heart center. You are not able to receive an experience of love if you do not love, honor and respect self. Perhaps it is now time to get to know who you are and to see there is every reason to be loved just as you are, nothing to be changed in order to deserve to know love! We see a gifted human being who has the ability to touch the hearts and minds of many other human beings...because of the journey he has walked!

To assist your emotions able to be expressed you are able to become aware of which ones appear to be more difficult to experience than some others. We find your anger causes you fear because it appears to control you and you find fear at it’s intensity. You are able to understand and create a means to experience anger from a more balanced understanding. We shall speak of a few ways to assist you to not only feel, know and understand your anger, but also to create in a conscious way to understand, feel and experience happiness, joy and love.

One way to understand the walls erected to keep you separate from your emotional body is to use the gift of photos within your realm. Look at self through the passage of time. Who is that person in that moment? What were the experiences of life and self in that moment of time? What scripts, beliefs and perceptions are planted in that moment in time? What experiences in that moment created in a joyful, happy or balanced way? What knowledge of love was created and experienced? What knowledge of fear, separation and isolation was experienced? Are you able to honor and respect the self existing in that moment of time? Are you able to see without judgment choices made in that moment in time? This will assist you to understand who you are in this moment in time. This assists you to be able to understand and celebrate who you are in this moment of time.

You are also able to give yourself permission to feel the various states of emotions. When you are unsure how a particular emotion is able to be experienced and expressed, observe those around you. Give your ego the task each day of bringing to your awareness someone who is happy, loved and joyful; as well as someone who is sad, fearful and feeling rejected, judged and unloved. Observe them. How do they create? How does the emotion they are experiencing and creating within affect, impact and create with them? What appears to be the benefit or limitation being experienced? 

You are able to set your intention daily upon awakening. “ This day I choose to understand what it is like to feel ________”, and fill in the blank. At the end of the day review your experiences. Did you create and experience ways to assist your experience set in your intention? Or did it not? When permission is given to self to feel what is there to be felt you shall indeed begin to unlock emotionally. Recognize though anger is often used in a destructive way it is also able to be used in a constructive way. The same energy which appears to destroy is the same energy used to create. Like all things in life, this also is a choice.

You are gifted in the expression of art. Use this gift to create a way to manifest the various emotions of self. Music is also a gift within self. Use music to assist you to feel and be comfortable in your emotional body. When a human creates a wall of separation from the emotional body it is always because the fear of feeling the ‘negative’ seen emotions is great. In order to feel and experience harmony, happiness and love, etc. one is to feel all aspects of self. Then are you able to understand the very parts of beliefs, thoughts and scripts brought forward into this moment in time to transform and return to the knowledge of unconditional love for self and others.

Anger is able to be lessened in it’s charge by being aware of what lies beneath it. This is often fear of losing control in a moment and within an experience. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment and fear of not being able to be loved just as you are often lies beneath anger. Give your anger a way to be heard by you without harming self or others. Go into nature and have a loud communication with self and God, Goddess, All There Is. Use the energy of anger to go into nature and create a most vigorous hike! Or perhaps stand before a canvas, pick up a paint brush and paint from the depth of your anger. Remember, the same energy that appears to destroy is the same energy used to create.

You are gifted in the use of mind and hands being used together. Your mind is manifested in a way that celebrates knowledge and linear, logical explanations and understanding. You are in the ‘right’ profession for self. Your location at this time supports the experience and journey of your life. It also holds the energy of validation through experience and memory of experience to assist you to add to the strength and depth of the wall erected to keep you isolated and ‘safe’ from being hurt again by being vulnerable. You have the ability to consciously take down these walls and allow self to be vulnerable, even if you may once again be hurt....You just may also be loved.

To increase reception of money, see and understand your scripts and beliefs of money. See in what ways do you limit money by your thoughts, beliefs and scripts. Be aware of the language of your thoughts as well as spoken. See where do you create in your life from a perception of lack, rather than abundance? See this not only in regards to money but to all areas of your life. Know you are here to experience abundance in all ways.

That is all. God’s Blessings. ~ Ma-Ryah”