
Ask Ma-Ryah

Welcome to “ Ask Ma-Ryah”! Here you are able to submit questions to Ma-Ryah. She will pick several questions each month to answer here. As life accelerates and becomes more busy I do not always have the chance to change the questions every week. I will be sure to update this page as often as possible though so be sure to check back to see if your question is one of the questions she will answer! If you do not choose to have your full name used in the posted question please communicate that in your e-mail and it will be honored. Even if you do not personally have a question you would like to submit you will still find knowledge here for you to apply to your own life. We are able to learn from the life of another and easily able to see how it may affect or impact our own lives. Please use the e-mail for “ Ask Ma-Ryah” when submitting questions for her to answer. Thank you...

Submit your questions to Ma-Ryah at: . Please include your e-mail address within the body of your question. Thank you.

To view previous questions go to the Archives Page.

**Remember, if you have submitted a question for Ma-Ryah and do not see it here check back in the following weeks and you may find it here. I am unable to individually answer questions submitted for Ma-Ryah. She chooses which ones are posted and which ones are not. If your question is not answered here please still check the ones that are as we all learn from one another. Thank you. ...Sharon**


Question: “Hi Ma-Ryah, I wanted to follow up on questions asked by our mutual friend, D. I would like as much information as I can get about R to figure out certain choices. There is information available about how he lived since 2004 but nothing before then. Any light you can shed on his childhood/early adult years would be appreciated, including any illnesses ~ he has two pretty major physical scars. In looking towards the future, how long will he be gone? Most importantly, why are we in each other’s lives and what lessons are there to be learned from this relationship? Who is/was he to me? Has his soul chosen not to know love this lifetime or is it something he can/will learn? Were there any feelings involved in his prior relationships? I know of two recent ones. Thank you” L., New Jersey

Answer: “ God’s blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall scan you and be pleased to respond to your inquiry.

We do indeed have knowledge of the man you are asking about because of our previous conversation with the mutual friend you speak of, so we are able to access his energy through you.

First we address the questions you have of the life he has lived. We shall not give personal information he has chosen not to share in communication with you or other humans. This would indeed be an invasion of his privacy. We do not have his permission to address specific experiences within his life. Does this then mean we are not able to assist you in your quest? No it does not mean that. We shall answer your question without giving personal information about him. and perhaps you are also able to see within your own self why you ask this of us rather than able to ask him.

We are aware this is human being who has had a lifetime of not being able to be in control of his early years and what he experienced in experiencing life as a child. The script he creates upon from that time is one that communicates to him that he ‘must’ be in control of all within his world in order not to be harmed. As we have addressed in previous communications here within this site, as well in private communications with people we have spoken with ~ all in life is a choice and all is experienced to learn and know lessons of returning to love. When a human being creates upon a script of having to control every aspect of their life it offers an opportunity of seeing how does this person create and choose the experiences they bring to them and do they do it with honor or dishonor? Do they create with love or outside of love? He has chosen time upon time to create in a way that dishonors self and others. He has chosen to allow himself to believe this is the only choice available to him and it is not. What is someone able to learn and receive from creating as he does? A person creating as he does has a life experience of believing they have no other choice but to manipulate and control another in order not to be surprised or harmed physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally. They are also able to choose not to manipulate and control others and instead taking responsibility for the choices made beyond childhood. They are able to see how creating in this way not only dishonors and harms another but also harms and dishonors self.

You have asked us if he has chosen not to love in this lifetime or not. While scanning him through your energy we would indeed say this soul has requested to understand what happens if a lifetime is experienced without trust, faith and belief of love. How indeed would this life evolve and know the script well? This man understands absolutely what is it like to experience a lifetime without faith, trust and love. All of his scripts in the time frame manifest upon this and he absolutely believes the only way to live is to control all aspects of another by using the scripts of another against them in order to manipulate them in a way that benefits him but ultimately harms them. He does not understand at this point that it is also harming his own self by choosing to validate and justify why he creates as he does create in this life. He also manifests life upon the script that others are ‘stupid and weak’. This is of course a script to show him these are beliefs he has carried within his own self since he first heard these words uttered and addressed towards him as a child. In order to prove he is not stupid or weak as he was often told in his lifetime, he chooses to prove his superior intellect and strength by using other people’s scripts against them. What script grants him access to the ability to control, manipulate and take advantage of another? He consciously seeks out others, more accurately ~ he seeks out females who seek to be loved. He seeks out females who have many experiences of not being seen for who they are and for not being loved just as they are. He fine tunes his ability to seek out and create with females who have had life experience that validate the shadow belief they can not be loved and who have created the belief they are not loved and must be saved. Of course the scripts the female human being carries of not being able to trust anyone, especially men fits perfectly with his scripts and so together they experience moments in life to either validate and prove why this belief is ‘true’ or they use these experiences to see this is who they are not and choose another way to live and receive life.

Have you known one another in another moment of time perceived in a linear way? Absolutely! Have you experienced together in any of these separate seen lifetimes in an honoring and loving way? Once you have created in this way together. The rest of the seen separate lifetimes you have come together as you have now. Individual moments are slightly different and yet until this lifetime the result has been the same. Rather than choosing to see how does this experience dishonor self, rather than seeing does this way of creating together create upon love or not ~ each has chosen in previous seen timeframes to validate and strengthen the shadow scripts, rather than lift the veil and see this is not love. Love does not leave a human being shattered and questioning what is ‘wrong’ with them? Love lifts self and others into a place of expansion and clarity. Love honors ~ it does not dishonor. Often we are asked how human beings are able to create and harm another consciously by the choices they make in a lifetime. We answer always ~ love. For each human to participate within an experience that dishonors self and others, for each human to validate they can not trust self or others, and for each human to create and validate the shadow belief of not being able to love or be loved, the door to open for this experience is the desire to know love.

You ask us if he has had any feelings in his prior relationships and we answer yes. Has he felt love? No. Has he believed he has ever felt love? Yes in a few relationships. What then has he felt? He has felt smart, intelligent and superiority over another. How long will he indeed be gone? The laws of your land shall decide this ultimately. What we see is a possibility to be gone for two years or for many more... much about this and what ultimately determines the length of sentence imposed by the laws of your land is not yet shown and spoken of fully at this point in time.

In closing we choose to ask you a question. Our question to you is this ~ Do you choose to allow this experience to validate your belief you are not able to be loved and cherished, you are not able to trust another or love ~ or do you choose to allow this to be the experience that begins to shift this within yourself? Do you choose to see love first begins within self? Do you choose to see and create within the knowledge trust, honor and faith begins within self? As long as human beings create in a way that says they are not Sacred, they are not absolute love and they require another to give to them what they do not know within self, human beings will continue to create in a way that dishonors, separates them from self and others and appears to reject the love they seek to know. In a lifetime opportunities arise to remember and to know you are love and you are honor.

We thank you for submitting this question for us to speak upon. You dear child are not the only one who creates in this way with another; many human beings create in this way. We shall address this also in the lesson aspect of this site as well as our message within this web site. Perhaps it is time child to see you deserve to love, respect and honor self in such a way the shadow no longer arises in your life to ‘prove’ you do not ~

God’s Blessings. Ma-Ryah”