


* A reminder: when Ma-Ryah uses ‘self’ she is referring to the human ego part of our selves and when she uses ‘ Self’ she is referring to the part of us which is Spirit.

** Please note: All material contained on this site is the copyrighted material of Sharon Dvorak. Lessons and other communications contained on is not to be reproduced and used for any purpose other than for your own self. To reproduce and use in any other way requires written permission from Sharon Dvorak. You may request permission by contacting Sharon Dvorak at  Thank you for honoring this.

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Lesson of the Beloved

God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. As always we are most pleased to communicate with you in this way. In this communication we address connecting with the Beloved within each and every human being. We send you many blessings and love as you embark upon the journey of remembrance of this most precious Self.

This lesson helps to connect with the aspect of self who remembers it’s Self still in the knowing of absolute love and assists the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing of many wounds in a gentle way.

First sit quietly in a room and become aware of your own self, feeling what is there to feel without any judgment.

Reflect upon whom you are in a nonjudgmental way and truly see your own self.

Begin to write a letter that begins with, My dear Beloved ~ and so you begin to write a letter of love and support to your Beloved and the beloved is your own self. Write about the things you admire in your beloved, the things you love and celebrate in your beloved. Write about the things your beloved does and has done that you know requires courage and strength to have experienced and lived through in any moment of time.

When the letter feels complete, sign it and then sit quietly for a moment or more, feeling what you feel once again. To complete this lesson read this letter in the three fold way ~ first read it in your thoughts, second read it out loud and third, read it out loud to yourself while looking in a mirror making eye contact with yourself. In each aspect of the three way reading become aware of any emotion or physical sensations that arise in the reading of this letter. Make note of these things so you may return to them after completing the three way reading. Return to the emotions or physical sensations and bring comfort, understanding and acknowledgment of what is held inside of you. Honor the emotions held in regards to what is found and when possible give release to these emotions.

If you find anger or resistance within as you read the letter to the beloved, have communication with this part of you. Do you require to speak the words of the anger or resentment? If you do, then speak them out loud so you may hear the words held inside. You may desire to go into a secluded area of nature and release these words without fear of “being too loud”. If this is the case, honor the request and desire of self and do this as soon as it is possible for you to do so.

Do you find sadness, despair or grief? Once again listen to this part of self and ask what is it you are able to do to ease the sadness, despair or grief? Does it seek release in tears? If so, allow the tears to come. If you also find this part of you desires to be recognized and honored, how may you do  this? You may speak of it, journal what arises, or create an experience that honors the journey you have taken through time creating upon these things. You may perhaps choose to use the movement, music and dance to allow this part of you to be fully expressed. You may perhaps choose to create within the gift of art and create a painting or sculpture of this part of you.

No matter what you find stored in your body as you read your letter to the beloved, it is important to complete what you find because the aspect of your ego, your human self is seeking to know you truly do see and honor the experiences created and known through the passing of time. If you do not complete the healing, comforting and knowing part of this lesson your ego, human self will believe you are not safe to entrust it’s self with and healing and transformation then continues to be difficult and at times seem impossible to achieve.

When you are complete in the experience you are able to save this letter, rereading it from time to time until you no longer find a reaction in any way upon reading it, except the feeling of comfort, peace and love. Once you experience only the feelings of comfort, peace and love upon reading this letter you are able to release it or save it for yourself to watch the process of growth, transformation and healing. You are able to write a new letter to your beloved several times a year, or once a year. Trust your own intuition upon this and use this lesson as you feel drawn to use it.

Any time you sit down to write a letter to the beloved and the beloved is your own self, remember you are writing a letter to your own Sacred and most loved self. God’s blessings upon your journey ~ Ma-Ryah