
Message From Ma-Ryah


art work used with permission of artist, Meganne Forbes


You may access past messages from Ma-Ryah by clicking on archives.

* please note: Ma-Ryah does not always communicate to us using our grammar and punctuation rules, so sometimes her words are easier to read out loud than in your mind only. I have agreed not to correct her grammar or punctuation because I know she often uses a word a certain way, says things in a certain way because of the energy and vibration they bring into our world in the moment.

Understanding Why...

God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. This message is inspired by the question submitted to the question portion of this site by a woman seeking to understand why certain aspects have occurred in her life. We responded to the question and also said we would also address the topic here within the message because she is not the only human being who creates and experiences life in this way.

We speak with many human beings and we find within all we speak a desire to know love and yet many experience time after time an experience of validating the script of not being able to trust love. How does this happen time after time? And as often asked of us ~ why?

This is a vital part of the human journey as you move from reactive human beings to conscious, responsive human beings. As has been addressed previously here and in our communications in private sessions and shadow transformation classes with human beings all that happens within your life is based upon remembering what love is, being that love and then ultimately creating with that love within your own life.

Perhaps it assists all of you to be able to know how to do this by being able to understand what love truly is ~ Love is complete within its’ self. Love is a state of Being, a state of consciousness. Love when created with in your world and in your life uplifts, enriches, expands you and those you create with in this consciousness. Love honors self and others. Remember, as reactive human beings you have chosen to come into this physical world and create upon scripts that separate you from the very essence of love. You create upon scripts which validate your separation of self, others and the Divine. Scripts have been chosen to create within life in a way that validates isolation, rejection and judgment. This is the human life based upon the scripts to uphold and appear to make true who you are, what you are here to know based upon creating away from love and embracing the many scripts of fear.

It is important to also remember you are here to remember you always are as a Soul, love, honor, respect, balance and harmony. You are here to remember you are part of everything and everyone. You are here to remember the experiences you have of separation, isolation, rejection and judgment is not who you are, but is indeed an experience you are having in order to see this is not who you truly are!

There are very few human beings physical at this time who do not seek to be loved, seen and known for who you are, just as you are. Many humans do know what it is like to live life with the belief they would be able to be loved if only they were __________ ( fill in the blank). They believe they would be able to love self if and only if another were to love them first, thus proving to self they deserve to be loved and are worthy of love because this person loves them. And yet at the same time the human being seeks to keep hidden much about their self and not shown to another because “if they know or see this about me, then they will not love me”. Much of human life at this time is based upon the search for the one who loves them as they are and yet surprise is often what is known when the love they thought was there for them is removed or taken away from them. They then return to a script held in self that believes it is impossible for anyone to love them. Time after time an experience is received that validates this script for them in their lives and each time leaves them wondering , ‘what is wrong with me?’ “Why can’t I just find someone to love me?” When asked we do speak of the reasons why and it truly has nothing to do with the other person other than for the gift they bring to you in order for you to see and have understanding of the many shadows you are reacting to within your life that continue to manifest over and over in your life. Each time an experience of betrayal, rejection, judgment or disappointment from loving again is experienced it is there to show the human being; this is what you believe and know about yourself. Bless the one who brings this to the consciousness of self. How else are you able to know this is carried within self and your life and experiences are based upon reacting to this script?

Once seen, opportunity is there to begin to transform this script. In order to know love, one is to be love. Are there parts of self you find yourself seeking to hide for the moment from another? Are there parts of self you are hesitant to show to another? Do you seek to keep hidden your deepest beliefs, desires and goals out of fear they will not be honored and supported by another? Do you seek to create it to be all right to disappoint and abandon self in order to please and appease another in a way that seeks to validate why you are ‘worthy’ of being loved? Do you seek to create with another in order not to be alone with self? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are part of the human race. The human race has been creating upon the scripts of separation, isolation, rejection, judgment and fear for seen and experienced in a linear way thousands upon thousands of years. As a race of Beings manifesting in the world of mass and matter, thought applied, chosen and created upon in a reactive way are now seeking to know and to evolve into human beings who choose to respond to life and the many experiences of life based upon choosing what is the outcome you are to have and know in this life. You choose knowing an experience that dishonors you and others is not the experience you choose to have, because you honor self and others. You do not seek to create in superiority over another for you know that human is also your own self. You are love within self and cease to create in a way that judges, condemns, harms self and others and build upon fear because you know these actions and thoughts are not love. You remember to uplift and expand self and others rather than to push down and diminish another for you understand you are everyone and everything. You remember to diminish another, you diminish your own self.

Human beings seek to know love by asking another to love them first, rather than seeing love begins within your own self first. If you do not love self how is another able to do so? What ends up occurring is the person you experience as loving you ultimately creates upon a shadow script you create upon; it is only a ‘matter of time’ before that person disappoints you, betrays you, abandons you, or stops loving you. Why? Because you do this first within your own self. When you are able to see without judgment your experiences you begin to see did your choice love, honor and expand self ~ or did it do the opposite? If it did the opposite of loving, honoring and expanding self you are able to know what follows in the mind are thoughts of judgment, criticism and dishonor while at the same time an aspect of shadow speaks to you and says, “ What did you expect? Why did you think for even a moment that person wants to be with you? Why did you think for even one moment you could trust that person?” And in many similar ways the shadow aspect of you speaks to allow you to know you were ‘right’ not to trust, not to be vulnerable and not to believe you could really be loved. And as if that isn’t enough communication from your shadow aspect it often finishes up with listing all the reasons why this is what you keep experiencing and keeping you from knowing what is it like to be loved. This aspect of self often finishes communicating with you about the experience by saying to you, “ When will you get it through your head that no one wants to be with you? When will you get it through your head no one will ever, ever love you?” Then as you the human are reduced to shame, blame, judgment, condemnation, punishment and belittling of self, this aspect of your shadow self sits back satisfied it has once again completed its’ job of creating upon the belief you can not be loved.

To experience love ~ be love. To be love, know self. To know self see with clarity, honesty, and wisdom ~ who are you a Being of shadow and light? See self without judgment or condemnation. See self as choosing in a moment of time to know self through your experience of creating either upon love or fear. Separation of love requires a belief you are the things, you are the self seen through the filter of fear, isolation, rejection and judgment. To be love, choose to acknowledge your experiences of separation, isolation, rejection and fear do not have the power to change who you already are, which as we have said often in your world is ~ you already are all the love you seek to know. You already are the dreams you create within, and you are everyone and everything. Your experiences through the script of shadow does not have the ability to change that. Your experiences through the scripts of shadow has only the ability to ‘make’ you believe them as long as you forget who you really are and you believe you are only able to be loved by another and that happens if you change _________, or hide this part of self.

We send you much love so perhaps you are able to remember... you are already loved and thus see that for self.

God’s Blessings ~ Ma-Ryah”