
August 12, 2007

Question: “ Hello Ma-Ryah, Could you help me? How can I contact or learn more from and about my spirit guides? What are their names? Who is my life time guide? I only seem to be able to get “ gut feelings” - but I am so unsure of myself that I question the feelings. How do I know that I am on the “ right track” or have veered off? Thank you for your consideration and help.” Barb in Jersey

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be pleased to assist you with your answers.

Off to your right side, slightly behind you stands your Spirit Guide, Hannah who has not ever been in the physical realm. To see her with your sight you would find she manifests as a female, approximately 5’9” in height, dark of hair with a bit of red glint within it, blue of eyes and dressed in a flowing Grecian style robe of mauve. The name, as well as the clothing style is entirely her choice as she has not a physical time frame to associate with. Her name, Hannah is chosen for it’s vibration and ease in your remembrance of it. Her musical tone resonates to the tone of ‘A’ and the color vibrations she resonates to are mauve, gold and white. You are able to feel her touch very lightly upon the right side of your head, directly above your right ear, but at the top of your head. Her touch will always remain the same, for the touch of your guides are like fingerprints. Appearance may change, names may be changed and yet the touch is always the same. She is with you from birth into the physical world and remains with you until you are birthed once again into Spirit.

You also have a day to day guide, what you perhaps refer to as your life time guide. This guide is male and has been in physical many times. His last incarnation as seen through the filters of the linear perception of time is in the 1400 time frame. In that incarnation he knows his Being as John Miller living in the area of the Chelsea area of England. He worked the land and cared for sheep and had as his last incarnation a life filled with love, peace and contentment. Because this was indeed a very enjoyable physical incarnation he chooses to be called John rather than any of the many other names he would so be able to choose from. He had an extreme fondness while physical for the warm baked wheat, honey brown bread and so often he will use that scent when desiring you to be aware of his presence. His energy is felt as a gentle touch in the center of your back, as though a loved one stands behind you and supports you with their touch.

With your Spirit Guide as well as your day to day Guide the easiest way to connect with them is through meditation. Set your intention to make contact with them in some way during meditation and then let go and enter into a meditative state. Contact is also able to be made within the dream state. Upon preparing for sleep, thank them that they walk in your dreams and communicate with them. Addressing them within your mind’s voice or with spoken words will also bring them more into your consciousness. To contact your Spirit Guide you are also able to focus on either the colors associated with her, or sound her musical tone. You may also hold in your hand a piece of rose quartz or rhodocrosite and use the vibration of those stones to assist you in aligning with the musical tome of ‘A’.

You say, “ I only seem to get “gut feelings”...perhaps to drop the word ‘only’ and acknowledge instead you get gut feelings. Viewed through hindsight and insight you are able to see your gut feelings do not lead you astray and may indeed be trusted. You are able to know if you are on the ‘right track’ or not by viewing the results of choices and decisions. Did the results and decisions bring you the desired results or not? If not, see where adjustments may be made in order to create your desired results. If yes, celebrate and acknowledge you received your desired results.

If you desire further knowledge of these things you have only to ask and we shall be pleased to assist you in their understanding. The main thing to keep in the front of your mind when working with your Guides, is to relax and enjoy their presence. They will assist you in all you do to get to know them more easily, for they already have love of you and it is that reason they have chosen to guide you and be with you in your physical incarnation.

That is all. God’s Blessings.” Ma-ryah