
August 19, 2007

Question:  “ Dear Ma-Ryah, I’m not sure I believe in this whole Spirit thing. I’m a Catholic boy and for the past ten years I’ve been taught three things: there is one God, I have to love God, and Jesus was the one true son of God.

I was also told that I should never attempt to contact the spirits or bring them into my life because they are all malignant and pretend to be good so they can get close to me and harm me, and that anything having to do with contacting Spirit Guides or the like is blasphemy. However, you always seem to introduce yourself in the name of God. I suppose my question is does your existence conflict with my beliefs of God and the Devil, Heaven and hell?

Sincerely ( and somewhat skeptically), Joe Geoghan, age 15, Pennsylvania

PS: I read Gregory Young’s book, and the next time you see him tell him I thought it was very good and I look forward to reading the sequel! “

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be pleased to answer your questions since they are indeed very valid for you.

It is true you are told within your religious teachings to love God. There is but One God though this Being has many names within your world. Many different teachings exist within your world seeking to assist all human beings to begin to know the Essence of God. Throughout all the many different dogmas there ultimately runs one Absolute Truth ~ God is Love. From our perception this is absolute. We do not see, perceive, nor know a God of fear and judgment. This belief belongs to humanity. You say you “ have to love God.” We would say, you choose to love God. One way to know if you do indeed love God with all your heart and soul as you are taught to do within the teachings of your religion is to see how do you love Self and how do you love others? How you love and create with Self and others speaks clearly of how you do love God.

If you stand in judgment of Self and others, if you create with others through the veils of fear and separation and dishonor, that is indeed what is being brought to God from you. All is learning, growing, expanding, evolving and remembering ~ You are created in the image of God, not God created in the image of man. God is only Love.

For this reason we would say we do indeed differ from you in your concept and acceptance of God, the Devil, Heaven and Hades. You see Joe, we know God only as Absolute Love. In our experiences and knowing we have never experienced separating from this Absolute Love. Our understanding of Heaven in the human experience is you create and experience Heaven and all that speaks of this within Self. Has your Master Jesus who became the Christ not shown and told your world this? Heaven, the kingdom of Heaven is found within each Human Being. As you create with Love, not judgment ~ as you create with understanding and compassion, not diminishment and separation, you create the kingdom of Heaven within your own Self.

We do not see, accept, nor create a Hades. Humans create and know this state of Being. We see it created on Earth as well as when a human creates physical transition and returns to Spirit. Some humans believe so much their human experience has taken them so far from Love that even in Spirit they continue to create an existence, a consciousness of fear, separation and isolation from the One Being of Absolute Love. God never separates from humans. Humans separate from God by believing and creating within a world of fear, judgment, punishment, condemnation, isolation and separation.

No, we do not accept nor know as real the Being you on Earth refer to as the Devil. Like God, this Being in your world has many names. All of them speak of fear, judgment and punishment. In our consciousness this can not be true for all we know is Love. This is a Being, a form created within your world to address, blame and hold the energy of fear. Since we do indeed only know Love it is not possible for us to know or embrace this Being of fear you speak of.

Perhaps you are taught within your religions not to contact Spirit for fear the gift of discernment is not strong in human beings. We find that not to be true. The gift of discernment is strengthened and developed each time you exercise it in your world. How many times have you met some one and experienced them as kind and friendly, only to later find their kindness and friendliness has “ strings” attached? Perhaps the manipulation of trust and openness is used, seemingly against you in order to gain your trust and confidence in order then to abuse that very trust and confidence? It is no different in Spirit. Are there Beings within Spirit who would seek to appear helpful, loving and gentle in order to later introduce fear? Of course there are. These are the Souls who believed they were able to change who they are, which is Love and Light, by an experience within the human world. They believe they are no longer Love. It does not matter if they are physical or Spirit. They continue to create and experience in such a way as to make true what is not truth. They seek to validate and make real their scripts, beliefs and experiences of fear, separation and isolation. Once in Spirit they seek out humans creating in similar ways in order to perpetuate and add strength to these beliefs and experiences. These Beings are clear to see and know even if they seek to deceive and present their selves as love. The love they bring forth is conditional love ~ they are not able to sustain this deception long and soon begin to coax and manipulate through fear.

God, has said to all His/Her children ~ I send you Angels. When we use the words Spirit Guides your world according to the teachings of your religion would say, Guardian Angels. Different words, same Beings. Remember young Joe, if there is fear in Spirit there is also Absolute Love. God creates Balance and Harmony for these states of Being are part of Absolute Love.

Skepticism is beneficial. Skepticism says you are seeking to learn, to grow, evolve and experience life with consciousness. Skepticism says you are developing your gift of discernment. One question to ask self whenever working with Spirit is this...Has this Spirit brought me closer to God, to Love or has this experience brought me more fear? More separation? More fear of punishment?

The Vessel who we communicate through once spoke to Priest and said before tested by Priest, “ All I have learned in church has brought me to this place with myself.” As female child she sought to emulate St. Bernadette and to have visions of the Greater Mary. She did indeed not see the Greater Mary, saw and spoke with her son instead. In closing young Joe we shall say, we perhaps are able to be seen in conflict with your beliefs in only this way. God/Goddess/ All There Is, for us is always and forever Absolute Love. Nothing more, nothing less. Continue to use your gift of discernment as you seek and receive your journey of life with God. Over time we shall answer the rest of your questions you have submitted to us. Be at peace and know Love ~

God’s Blessings!” Ma-Ryah