
August 26, 2007

Question: “ God’s Blessings, Ma-Ryah. I am now going through the Ph.D. test taking part of my summer. I seem to be doing a lot of dancing in shadow and having some major struggles with ego in the web work. This weekend I will assist the ego with the grass growing exercise you gave me. Perhaps that will calm it down a bit. I seem to be tested at every turn: getting a little, having something taken away. Just when I think I have passed the test and braved the waves, another larger wave comes and knocks me right back down, almost drowning me. I did not expect this of myself and I am deeply disappointed. Of course, again, the ego having its say. In all of the chaos my ego is stirring up, I did find something unexpected and would like your comments, please. I have discovered a shield. Is this the same shield from before presenting in a different way, different layer? Can you comment on it please? Many thanks and love for your insights.” DL, NJ

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be honored to answer your question for you and to assist you towards understanding what is happening with you at this time.

First of all, we congratulate you on your consciousness of knowing you are dancing in the beautiful shadows of self! Doing the exercise does indeed assist the ego to understand the transformation you are seeking to create and experience. Human shadows are created and experienced in the 3 dimension of your world and so often when it is a strong shadow being seen, understood, embraced and ultimately transformed it requires an experience in the 3 D of your world. Your ego requires often to see and to experience the difference in order for it to embrace the transformation you seek to know.

Secondly, we do very gently remind you that you are the one who is testing your self, no one else does this but you. Ah, feel the constriction of your solar plexus with these words. Why, your ego asks, would you test your self in greater tests each time? The shield you are more aware of is indeed part of the other one though it also has it’s own agenda and scripts based on the shadows of abundance and experiencing lack. Where has this hidden from you for so long? Deep, deep within the shadows of self only now being able to have the light shone on it. Imagine the many shadows are like the depths of a cave. Treasures waiting to be discovered. Yes, we did say treasures for indeed they are! Here are parts of you creating through the eons of time and believing you were the darkness and fear you created within and only after many other layers have been uncovered is this one able to be seen. We do hear the human sounds you have been making the last few weeks and we do understand your level of frustration. We also do know the depth of your commitment to healing self, no matter where in the physical linear measure of time it has taken place. Imagine again the cave you are in and shining your flashlight upon the far reaches of the cave. Suddenly in the shine of the light you see a gem hidden from the world for many, many eons. It is the first it has been seen since it was created. How wonderful to find this gem! In retrieving it you find the gem encrusted with layers of minerals that seek to hide the beauty and the radiance of your discovery. Bringing it to the surface you use whatever tools you have to cleanse it and remove the layers of other minerals clouding it’s beauty. With exquisite joy you finally see it as it created in the original form. Light fills every part of it and the shine from this light fills all the space around you with it’s beauty.

Patience, understanding, gentleness and compassion for this gem of self hidden deeply through the eons of time. Celebrate the joy of finding this part of you. In the tests you create for self notice you do not drown though you fear you may. You rise to the surface, own, embrace and begin to transform yet another exquisite facet of your self. We are very pleased with you for this discovery and especially your consciousness of this facet of your Being. We see you soon and we will assist you in every way possible. Until then, patience, kindness, compassion and love for this part of you so buried in the darkness. Imagine what you find once you use your tools to uncover the beauty found within this part of you!

God’s Blessings! That is all....” Ma-Ryah