
January 10, 2009

Question: “ Blessings! I finally have time to get onto this contraption and check to see if you were able to help me with an issue back in June. You were and I thank you very much.

I now have a new situation going on in my life which is the hardest thing that has ever happened to  me. I have been deceived terribly by someone who supposedly loved me. This was not a few months romance. This was a relationship that was almost 20 years long. She had me arrested and I spent 28 hours of hell at the county work house. The list goes on and on. I can not even begin to tell you everything. All of it was done because of money. She wanted my money. The house was in both of our names and she wanted me to put the house in to her name because I am in a little bit of credit card debt at the moment. After doing research I found out what she told me was a lie and that no one would take the house away. So now she is trying to take my granddaughter away from me, my blood granddaughter. I lost in court because I had a really bad lawyer. I know I seem like I am babbling now but I am so hurt and confused. I just need to know why all of this bad stuff is happening and why she is doing this to me?  Is it possible to help me with these questions? I hope  so. May the blessings of the season be with you. Blessed be.” Sharon, from Woodbridge, NJ

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We remember you and we are pleased to answer your questions for you, as well as the second group of questions you have submitted. We have requested the Vessel to not print your second list of questions since the name of your grandchild is not necessary to place here within the body of this communication. We shall answer without placing the vulnerability of the child here in a public forum.

First we do so desire to communicate with you the sorrow over the loss of your relationship. For many the end of a relationship is seen as necessary and yet it does not take away the human anguish of the relationship changing and coming to an end. Often in order to create this ending anger and pain are the tools used to assist the human beings to move out of the relationship. This is not necessary and yet we do understand the way human beings create this to be done in this manner.

We begin to answer your question with a brief description of how we see the human relationship with another. As human beings, you come into this world to interact and to reflect to and with one another the seeds of shadow you have created as a truth for self over a period of time seen and experienced as life times. Once the shadow has been seen and either transformed or turned away from, the human beings find they have nothing in common any longer and so seek to separate. Perhaps there truly is nothing in common any longer and there is not a seen reason to continue to create with one another any longer and yet we would say it is always choice. Once the shadow has been transformed both may choose to continue to grow and experience with one another from a place of more harmony and show and reflect with one another the gift of balance and love, unconditional love. Often instead what occurs is the human beings find the ‘glue’ that has held them together no longer exists and so they flounder, not knowing where each one is at this moment or how to connect with one another. Often what is found also is the human beings find one begins to grow and transform while the other does not and once again choice is made; grow together or grow apart.

We see what has occurred is the growing apart is the choice made within the two of you. What was once seen as part of the other is now seen as imbalance. We do understand the reason for being together seems to now be about lies and deception and yet we would not say that is truth. You may indeed make it your truth and seek to undo all that was created in an honoring and balanced way and that is indeed your choice to do if you so seek to do this. Or you may see what were the reasons you came together in the first place? What did you each bring to the table so to speak? What did you learn and experience about your self and your capacity to love and to be loved? Have these experiences truly been for naught? Or are you able to see for whatever reasons may be used to explain and justify choices made now, you still are each richer in knowledge and wisdom than where you were before? Twenty years together is filled with many happy moments also. Many moments of laughter were also shared, as well as many moments filled with struggle and ego. The moments filled with ego are also rich in knowledge and wisdom for they supply you each with information about how your receive as well as how you create love with another. We would strongly advise to look beyond what appears to be the purpose behind the separation which appears to be about money and truly is more about control and fear of being controlled and rejected, and instead to see what is being truly spoken behind the illusion of the financial experience. 

There are steps you are able to take within your world to be sure there is adequate and balanced legal representation. To feel you have not been represented adequately with your lawyer is able to be manifested and experienced as you being let down or treated in an unfair way, or you are able to speak up and communicate to return to court with the knowledge and wisdom from where you find your self now, versus where you were before. To do this it also becomes necessary to see with great honesty with self, did you indeed communicate clearly and honestly with the lawyer or did you represent your self from a shadow of emotion feeling rejected, deceived and abandoned? Do not hear or read our words as judgment. If necessary, read them once again with the shadow of self standing off to one side. Whether seen or not, if you do find a reaction and defense arising from the previous words, then you are able to know there is a place within self which finds truth in those words. It does not matter if they are found to be a greater truth or a truth believed in some part of you. Also ask self, did you represent your self with your lawyer in a clear, honest way? And if you are able to answer self with a resounding yes, then to communicate within your world of inadequate representation and return to court. To receive a balanced and humanly seen ‘fair’ outcome for all concerned, you are able to create a commitment to communicate in truth, to take responsibility for your own actions, words and choices. You are not able to create what your life partner’s choices are and are truly able to affect and impact your own self. How you do this and how you experience it is your own choice. You are able to choose truth, honor and balance or you are able to choose pain, revenge and to seek to harm as you perceive self to be harmed.

One difficulty we see arise within you as a common thread of consciousness through out your life time is the ability to believe in self and not to abandon self. With this comes the subtle threads of consciousness that seeks approval and validation from another. The ego in doing it’s job to assist you to see and know this part of self continues to create over and over again in your life experience the experience of being able to say to self, ‘see.. you can not trust or believe any one!’...’give them enough room and they will soon show their true self’...etc. and so on. What is truly being asked from the ego is, do you believe and know your self to be able to be seen, heard, and loved just as you are? Nothing to be changed, everything to be as it is... and in that are you able to be loved? We would request you ask your self these questions. What do you see about self you do not like to admit is part of you? What do you know about self you wish you could wave a magic wand and change? Here then is the clue for where do you begin to heal and to grow into a balanced and loving human?

Is another truly able to remove you from the life of your grandchild? Only when there is behavior or actions able to been seen and judged by another as being unsafe or unstable to the child to be within. We are not saying to you child for you to not feel what you feel. We are not saying for you not to be experiencing your self as being betrayed or deceived. We are not saying you may not feel another may remove your grandchild from your life for all time. No, we are saying, stand in your truth. Have the ability and experience of standing with self, though in a balanced way, in truth. When you find a part of self you do not wish to see, seek guidance and assistance to transform these parts of you. Not from a place of judgment, from a place of compassion and understanding. Be able to be in a state of balance and love when in the company of the child no matter what may be occurring in your life. When you show self you may indeed trust self to care for self in a balanced and loving way, your ego no longer finds it necessary to have another speak of these parts of you in order to see and understand this is also part of you. What you show one another, the words you speak, the actions you create with one another, shows what is often unseen and disowned parts of your own Being. Though it is able to be experienced at first as a very painful lesson and experience, in the gift of time is able to be seen as one of the greatest gifts you offer one another. Do what is seen as necessary to heal and to honor the sorrow and also the anger you feel. We would challenge you to find a way to be able to do this in a way that does not further harm you, your partner or your grandchild.

Remember to use the gifts you came into this world to assist you to see and experience what is often without words. You are a very gifted artist! Perhaps use this gift to seek to receive the wisdom, the love, as well as the fears so understanding is also yours.

That is all. God’s Blessings to you and yours~ “ Ma-Ryah