
January 13, 2008

Question: “ Hi Ma-Ryah! Oops! I left out a question last time I emailed you, sorry! My question is do I have an animal spirit guide? I have always, always felt a very strong connection to a certain animal, and its appeared in my life enough times to take notice. I also feel a great level of sadness when this particular animal is killed. I’m not going to tell you the animal, but if it so happens that this animal is a guide for me, I will be very convinced that they are real.” Sincerely(again) Joe, age 15 Pa.

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We are pleased to answer your question with what we do see around you.

We do find several animal energies around you and the animals we speak of are technically able to be seen as animal guides and yet in the manner we speak of them is different than it would be were you to receive their assistance in receiving a Vision. Receiving a guide of the animal kingdom in this way is a Sacred ceremony for the Native American and not one to be taken lightly.  We do not see them joining with you in this way. It is still beneficial to know which animals are around to assist you. Most of the time a human being has an affinity with one animal or another for this is most often the animal spirit guide who assists them in their journey of life. We do find the energy of a raccoon with you as well as a female deer. We also find in your energy behind you a badger as well as a starling for the winged animals with you. The starling’s energy is able to be felt upon your right shoulder. The raccoon assists you to be observant and to know what is there for you to create with. Fascination with details others may overlook is also one reason the raccoon aligns with you. You also have tendency to create behind a mask, often presenting your self in a way you believe is expected of you, rather than as you truly are. This is also a shadow for you to transform if you so seek to transform this shadow. The deer we find on the left side of you and often the energy of this deer is felt along the entire left arm and a bit on the upper, outer portion of your left thigh. The deer, especially the doe, aligns herself with you to assist you to be aware of cycles. How you create in cycles, Autumn being your most creative and productive season though Spring is also beneficial to you too. The doe also speaks of camouflage and again is similar to the same reason you wear the mask. The doe also assists you to know when to be still and when to move rapidly forward in the choice you have made and begin to create upon. The doe’s energy also reminds you to be quiet, observe and to take care of self. You have a tendency not to give your self enough rest and push beyond being tired...there is always one more thing to do, one more thing to learn about. The energy of the raccoon yet again. The badger is behind you because often you seek to defend and protect self, but most often the knowledge, the words come to you after the opportunity for confrontation was experienced. You do apply what you receive at a later time if the similar experience and interaction with others occurs. The badger behind you also tells us you are a human being who takes a long time to trust, and yet once trust given is there forever unless you consciously seek to separate from the person. In this way, those you trust and befriend find you to be a very loyal friend. The starling sitting on your right shoulder tells us you have very keen eyesight, and we do not mean only physical sight. Your inner sight is strong and you often notice things most people would overlook. The starling also aligns its’ self with a human who is very good at mimicry. This is indeed a gift you possess and yet you are still in youth and eventually this gift becomes more refined. Now, this gift is often used through shadow application when you feel threatened either physically or intellectually. You take enormous pride in your intellect.

These are the energies we do find around you. We also find it important to address your statement of whether our answer strengthens your belief in animal guides or not. Know it is not necessary to have belief in them. With or without this belief, not only you but also all humans, does not change whether or not they exist. Animal guides assist and show only what is able to be found within each human they align with and so, rather than seek to validate proof of their existence, we do encourage you to look within self. Find and hold belief in who you are and you give to your self a great gift. You give to your self the wisdom, knowledge and tools for all you seek to create in this life from one who knows you deeply ~ your self.

That is all. God’s Blessings! “ Ma-Ryah