
July 13, 2008

Question: “ Hi Ma-Ryah, I am curious about a dream I had. The day before the dream, I attended a seder dinner to bus tables and serve food with my friend. My friend and I are not Jewish. This was my first experience at a temple witnessing the rite of Passover. With all due respect, my friend and I found humor in some of the proceedings. We shared a few laughs privately, of course, as the ritual seemed strange to us.

The following morning, I had a dream that I believe was related to the previous evening, and I am feeling guilty about having found humor in the ceremony. Here is the dream:

I was with my friend and her mother who I went to the temple with to share the job of serving. In the dream, we were leaving the temple and my friend’s mom wanted to show us her childhood school which in the dream was across from the temple. I was sitting with the same friend, a neighbor, and my neighbor’s friend. My neighbor’s friend was rewarded a scholarship to a college. The scholarship was given to her with a drawing of the college’s food court enclosed. The scholarship money was represented by a series of gold and silver coins. Then my friend and I went into what I believe was a dormitory. We were putting stickers of our favorite singer on a huge hard-plastic makeshift bed. Soon, a door connected to the outside opened and a young girl walked into the door. She seemed to be either a young college student or a senior in high school. Her hair was up in a high messy bun and she was rather skinny. I made my friend aware of the girl walking in. My friend looked at the girl but resumed putting stickers on the bed. Soon, the girl walked over to my friend’s side of the bed and stood there with both hands behind her on the nape of her neck. I was uncomfortable with her presence and was waiting for my friend to react, which she never did. The girl started talking in either rushed English or another language. I soon felt myself not being able to open my eyes. I also felt this in real life at the same time. This makes me believe I was in the “twilight” state of sleep. I could hear her words in the dream and gradually started waking up, hearing them outside the dream as well. I made out only five English words in her speech. They were: “ you would allow me to.” After saying those words, she continued talking in unintelligible speech. I was only able to open my eyes as soon as her talking ceased. This speech only lasted a few seconds but her tone was rushed, stern and commanding. However, I had the feeling she was speaking for someone else. She punctuated her last syllable and I could hear it clearly as I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes and was fully awake, I immediately looked to the part of my room that corresponded with where the girl was in my dream. I did not see her, but felt like I was expectant to see her there. I felt uneasy and slightly frightened. I also felt slightly vulnerable.

Since I was scared and the only words I could make out were “ you would allow me to”, I said in my head, “ No, I won’t allow you to.” I said this because I did not want a potentially malicious spirit to continue visiting me.

I don’t know what this means, but I have a feeling the girl was reprimanding me about laughing at the ceremony. If you could tell me what you think about this event, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.... D.K “

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We are very pleased to answer this question at this time. We use this phrasing very purposely. Time is part of this answer and it is for this reason and no other that we did not answer this question in the month of April when you did submit it to us. First, why is time of an essence in the answering of this question? You have had many, many opportunities since submitting it and wondering was it going to be answered and if yes, what that would mean to you, and if no, what that also meant to you. So, many gifts and opportunity to become aware of some of the scripts of shadow that walk with you able to be known in the time waiting for an answer. Reflect on this part of the answer and see indeed where it applies to you not only in the waiting for an answer with us here, but in waiting for many things to occur in your life.

This question is many layered and we answer mainly the layer connected with communication to you the human being from your Soul in order to assist you most in your life right now. First, we would say to let go of the guilt and perhaps see it instead as regret. Regret opens the doorway within human beings to reflect upon what had been created in order to understand the actions, consequences and how it may be created differently when a similar opportunity arises. Also, for you it opened the doorway for you to have this communication with self and to remember a vital part of your own Being

In the dream the desire of your friend’s Mother to show you her childhood school which was across from the Temple was a communication to say to you, this is from a very ancient experience of your Soul in it’s creating and living within the human journey. In matters of time it is many, many years in the past of your lives as seen in a linear progression of time and yet is still carried within you and able to affect you deeply in this time frame. It allows you to remember this is one part to be remembered and slight transformation of the experience and beliefs to be done in this perceived moment of time. The scholarship won is communication to allow you to know this is knowledge held within you and able to accessed at any time. There is nothing you ‘need’ do or create in order to access the remembrance. It is already part of you. The scholarship presented with the drawing of the food court from the college communicates the learning and the wisdom held within is of the ‘higher teachings’, of Spirit and thus as a human being, invaluable as represented by the coins of gold and silver.

Moving then into the dormitory you and your friend journey to a place where life was once lived and shared. The hard plastic bed represents some of what was experienced and held over is rigid, immovable and yet limiting of experience and wisdom applied to life. Your friend’s disinterest in the young woman who enters communicates this is for you to have the knowledge of. It does not as directly apply to her in the same manner it does to you. She after all has already transformed the shadows held in regard to the rigidness of many beliefs held in the human being of teachings of Spirit and religion. The young woman is very skinny because any limitation of shadow is not strong in your friend at this time in regards to her knowing of Spirit and where she finds herself within her beliefs in this time frame. The hair up on the woman is knowledge held, wisdom known and yet not ‘organized’ in a formal way in this time frame. Stickers being applied to the bed of a favorite singer is to communicate what is known, what is able to be remembered, re-known so to speak is like music to the Soul aspect seen of the human ego within self. The young woman stands behind your friend and places her hands on the nape of her neck communicates in another time frame seen in the understanding of linear time, your friend was this young woman. Communication in both Hebrew and English speaking in a rushed and frantic pace was to allow you to know your friend also has some concern in this time frame of you ‘ not getting it’ and understanding the wisdom of the ancients fast enough. Part is also because sometimes as many humans, you do not see how there can be enough time to learn and experience all there is to know in your life time and so feel sometimes panicked if you will indeed accomplish what you are here as a Soul to accomplish.

“ You would allow me to”, the words you remember from the dream were not communicating of a nonphysical Being saying she wants or desires to communicate with you. These words were communicating of the ability of your friend, in this moment of time able to assist you in this time frame. You may experience some of it as very obvious and being easy to see and know and yet at other times the assistance is not so clear. You and your friend are in this life together again as seen in the progression of time. You come together as very strong assistance in many ways for one another and the wisdom of this friend, who also at times Mother’s you very much, is able to assist you to return to a joyful return to knowledge you once created upon ~ though perhaps this time without the rigid, unmoveable aspects of how it is received, lived and created upon. At times you will indeed find you are vulnerable and this is not a comfortable place for you or for many human beings in your world to be, and yet it is an invaluable place to find your self in for it returns you to remembrance of another way to create in your world rather than only through fear and reaction.

We send you thoughts and feelings of celebration as you unfold the wisdom’s and gifts already held within the remembrance of your Soul. God’s Blessings.” Ma-Ryah