
July 29, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, Are my dead relatives trying to communicate with me through my dreams and visions or is it all something I create in my head? I have these visions when I am very upset and crying from deep within me. My most recent one was where my Mom came to me and wiped away my tears telling me everything was going to be all right. She was holding a checkbook and a check began writing itself out to me for a substantial amount of money. My Uncle handed me a small film canisters that had $100 bills in it and he told me he wants me to figure this out. He has presented me with this film canister before, the first time was during a Reiki session. How can I tell if it’s a true communication or if it is something I am manifesting? Is there something I can do to open myself to them reaching me? Thank you and God’s Blessings! “ Rosanne, NJ

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be happy to answer your question.

When you are in a highly emotional state it is easier for those within Spirit to make contact with you because you are not focused on other things and thus are more open. Yes, you are receiving communication from your loved ones in Spirit. You perceive correctly your Mother comforting you and wiping your tears as you have longed so often for her to be able to do. She is letting you know it is indeed going to all work out well for you and your financial worries will be a thing of the past. You have been greatly concerned about the financial part of your life and yet you do have the means to create and manifest upon your dreams. You have taken some steps to make it so within your life and yet you sit in the energy of impatience and frustration with yourself because it does not happen as rapidly as part of your ego believes it must. Your Mother reassures you it comes to you and is part of your life. Your Uncle brings the same message in a bit of a creative way. He presents you the abundance within the film canisters. Take the message in a literal way. The money is there and yet the process of development takes time. The obstacles that seem to be standing in your way only require a bit of adjustment so it all becomes clear for you.

How can you tell if it is a true communication? How does it feel when passed through the filter of your heart? Do you desire to hear from them and be reassured by them? Yes, you do. Do you then make it up for your self? Some times but not during those moments. Your heart will always tell you when it is real communication even though your head will say it is not possible. All you have to do in order to be more open to them, is the willingness to hear them. Invite them to communicate with you during moments that are not highly emotional moments. Invite them to communicate with you during moments of peace as well as happiness. Invite them to walk in your dreams and speak to you of other things not only those things that you wrap in worry and fear. If you were gifted one day with them to visit with them, spend time with them, share your life with them, ask them questions, how would that day be spent? Invite them to come to you and share some of these things with them, even if you are not always aware they are there. Create as though they are and they do receive what you communicate with them. Create a moment in time when you set aside some time to visit with them and then let go and allow to be whatever occurs. Some times you will feel their presence and some times you may be more aware of them, while there will be other times you do not have any awareness of them at all. It is all okay. Do not worry or fear....Your Mother especially was able to be very strong willed while in human form and she will continue to find ways to communicate with you!

That is all. God’s Blessings!” Ma-Ryah