
July 8, 2007

Question: “ God’s blessings Ma-Ryah!! Thank you for answering my question. I have spent most of my adult life struggling with having enough money in my life. The universe has always taken good care of me in that it always provides for me when I have a need and for that I am grateful!! I have worked on many different issues in my life in the past few years and have made good progress. I thought if I worked on addressing those things that the money issues would improve. However that has not seemed to be the case. I would love to find myself in a position of not having to struggle with and worry about finances. Since this theme seems to continue year after year I would like to know what the lesson is that have yet to learn so I can begin working with it, learn it and move on. I would like to stop repeating this pattern in my life. Any information you can give me or advice will be taken to heart and worked on. Thank you again!!” DW in Boston

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be most happy to answer your question. One clue to a shadow still existing lies within your question. You say, “ The universe has always taken good care of me in that it always provides for me when I have a need and for that I am grateful!!” You then follow that knowing to, “ I would love to find myself in a position of not having to struggle with and worry about finances.” Perhaps you are able to see how you have faith and trust when there is a perceived need that the universe does indeed take care of you and provide the necessary funds to move you through the perceived need. As an experiment for self perhaps word it in this way...’ The Universe always takes care of me and provides for me.’ Do this for a few weeks very consciously and see how your experience creates results for you. At the same time in doing this be aware, be conscious of any shadow no matter how great or subtle that arises to create on the once perceived truth of having to be ‘ in need’ in order for the Universe to supply what you are seeking.

Another aspect of this shadow to see and able to transform if so desired is the part where you would like to be in a position of not having to struggle with and worry about finances. Sit with this thought and perhaps allow self to see the many ways life it’s self is perceived as a struggle, not only in regards to finances. When a shadow of limitation exists it is not only limited to one belief and manifestation. Perhaps make use of the Lesson posted and take into this process the question of, ‘where do I hold the belief that life is a struggle?’ Then work with in order to transform what has at one point in time and space been experienced as a truth and now no longer is a chosen truth.

Remember also words spoken with you in times past..Carry money always on your person. It does not matter if it is three cents or three hundred dollars....What matters is you have money. The human being seeks to qualify, justify and validate and so the ego will say, ‘ it is only three cents’. Gently speak to the ego and repeat as often as you choose, “ I always have money.” The Universe and all that helps you to create within your world hears, you always have money, and so you do!

The journey of life is a gift to behold. The gifts of abundance in all ways, not only limited to finances is there already. Choose to see it and you do indeed see this gift. It is Truth...The Universe always takes care and provides all you seek...

That is all. God’s Blessings. “ Ma-Ryah