
March 10, 2007

Question:” Will you please explain how can an infant attract illness or people in Africa can attract hunger? Why would they do that?” Debbie L., N.J.

Answer: God’s blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall do our best to answer this question sufficiently in the space allotted here.

Before a Soul enters a physical incarnation there occurs a preparation period of time as seen in the linear perception of time. During this time the Soul shall reflect on what experiences it chooses to experience and know within that particular moment in time. It is here in this moment that the Soul shall choose the Souls it will journey into life with and thus the members of family are chosen. Beyond the human perception of family the Soul also chooses the global family and time period which shall best assist it to know and experience what the Soul chooses to know and understand.

Remember the Soul is only able to know it’s Self as Love and Light. There is nothing else the Soul is able to be but these two things ~ Love and Light. The Soul then chooses the family to join with whose scripts, beliefs and shadows of the human being most easily assists it’s journey of life.

Perhaps a Soul chooses to understand what occurs in the physical world when a Soul perceived as human knows illness. You already know all illness manifests it’s self in a specific way to literally communicate to the human what knowledge is being sought. It is then easier to see what the infant is coming to the physical world to experience, to know and ultimately to transform.

Suppose in a moment in time a child is born into your world and upon birth it is discovered the child is born with difficulty in the organ of life, the heart. There are many reasons the Soul may choose to create life with an imbalanced heart. The Soul has perhaps chosen a life when all matters of the heart symbolically are to be known and experienced. Do they know love or do they actively create in such a way to experience love as an elusive part of life, never knowing fully what true absolute love is like? Do the Souls they have aligned with assist them throughout life to know beyond any doubt they are celebrated, rejoiced and unconditionally loved and encouraged? Or do they align with Souls who create one challenge, one obstacle after another to overcome in order to know and experience love beyond the human perception of conditional love? Many of your most gifted human beings have experienced the challenges and obstacles in order to be Humans of honor, respect, dignity, balance, harmony and Love. The heart is not the only organ able to manifest an imbalance to speak of this journey. The other organs communicate of different paths, different seed Shadows and fears to overcome in order to create as a conscious Human Being. For this answer though we shall stay with the heart.

Another reason a child may enter to experience illness of the heart does not relate specifically to the child but instead to the parents, siblings or others. Perhaps the parents have difficulty in opening to trusting , having belief and faith in an unconditional love. They learn, they remember through the gift of this child.

Yet another reason a child manifests in this way may be to experience, to learn, to teach many things ~ such as; how is life lived, experienced when the thread of life appears to be so fragile and precious? How is life lived when one becomes the one cared for and the others are the care givers? Is compassion, empathy, understanding and Love known? Or is anger, resentment, guilt, shame and fear realized? These are but a few of the things able to be experienced and known by both the one who is ill and dependent on others, as well as the ones who experience their own self as the care givers.

And yet another reason for such an occurrence is probable in some moments and reality in another. Perhaps the child manifests with this particular illness in order for your sciences, your medical fields to more fully understand the illness and create a means to correct it in the physical manifested world. It is important to remember here that a child born with this imbalance may indeed incarnate for this very reason; and yet once it is corrected by science, by medical intervention to still reflect on the literal as well as metaphysical reasons for this organ to be affected in this way in the first place. Thus the journey of the child’s life is able to be assisted in being fulfilled.

People in Africa and indeed in every area of your world are experiencing hunger for the same reasons. Do you as family members assist in providing and sharing nourishment with your relatives? Do you have compassion for them? Or do you resent and judge them? There is no area of your world where the hungry, the poor, the sick do not exist. Do you care for them where you live? Do you assist the hungry, the poor, the sick to experience and know acceptance, validation and recognition of their lives? Or do you pull away from the knowledge of them? When you pass the homeless in your world do you choose to avoid seeing them? Do you avoid making eye contact? With holding your smile, your nod of greeting? Or do you acknowledge they are seen, they are valued? They are a gift to your world and their struggles are seen and valued? Do you gift them with money sometimes? Are you aware of the energy strings of conditions you perhaps hold when you gift them? Or are you able to gift them with no energy strings of conditions involved, blessing them with Love and trusting they shall indeed use that money to assist what they are learning and growing within this life for the knowledge of the Soul? Even if that means they use the gift you gave to them to feed the addictions of body and mind? 

And sometimes Souls incarnate to experience these things in life so you do not have to experience them. These Souls offer their lives and the journey of their life so all may see, learn and grow from the path of life they have chosen. Do you bless and honor them for this?

Every Being you see, hear or know about is a part of the one Self. Do you see the gift being presented in every moment, every breath, every beat of your heart? Do you see the gift of conscious life offered for you to see, know, experience and transform and bring back into the consciousness of your Soul and Spirit? Are you able to see you have incarnated here and now, at a time your world knows much fear, hatred, hunger and illness in order to assist the evolution and transformation of the Human Beings? That is all ~ Go in God’s Love and Blessings ~


* note from Sharon: Only one question was answered this week in order to give sufficient space for Ma-Ryah to answer it in a more complete way. This question’s answer was indeed a mini teaching.