
March 24, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah,

          I wonder if you can offer some clarity as I am going through a major transition in my life both professionally and personally. There are many venues I can take and yet none of them seem especially right. What is the best way to decide which venue to focus on? Or should I not try to decide on only one? Also as I go through this process how do I ensure that I remain financially secure? I would surely appreciate your guidance. With gratitude, Joanne “

Answer: “ God’s blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We shall be honored to answer you question as we are able. Not only do we find you seeking to create transitions in your life in regards to relationship, seeking to create in a different way within your work but also seeking to see if perhaps now is the time for you to relocate to a different area than where you currently do live. We do honor you in your knowing we are not able to tell you how to create or what to do. We are able to advise only and to always respect the free will of all Beings. We shall first assist you in some tools you are able to use to see which path is perhaps more beneficial for you than another. Then we shall speak to you of gifts we find within you as we scan you from your words.

First, to be aware of all the communication going on within your mind. Perhaps to assist with ease the ability to hear what you are saying to yourself within your mind and to differentiate between the various aspects of ego it is beneficial to create a list of words. Ask self not only in regards to relationship, work and life location but in all areas of your life you seek to transform: What is my goal, my intention to experience here? What is it I choose to see, understand and know? Then list the answers for each aspect of life seeking the knowledge. Then ask yourself, which one most assists me achieving these goals and most easily assists me to know and understand myself in an honoring way within this choice? In doing this we would advise you to listen to the voice of the solar plexus, your gut. This area of self will not deceive you. To follow the voice of heart allows for the possibility of deception as the heart contains not only all the knowledge of your experience of love and honor but also carries the knowledge of all your wounds. You will often experience a validation of your wounding within life when listening to the heart. The more you work with your fears and perceived limitations and perceived mistakes of human life, the more you shall in time be able to trust the guidance of the heart. For now, perhaps the path of less pain is to follow the voice of solar plexus.

As we scan you we do find several gifts within you that you may or may not choose to create from. You are very gifted in the visual perception of your world and thus have great affinity for viewing life and presenting life for others to see and share with you through the lens of a camera. There is also the gift of words within you and perhaps one day you shall combine a book of photos you have created along with words of wisdom, comfort and understanding to be released into your world to assist the healing of hearts and minds.

We also find within you a love of knowledge as well as a great affinity to the youth of your world. You will find joy in creating in any way that is able to combine these parts of Self whether it is as healer of the mind and life experiences as therapist in any modality, or as teacher of the youth of your world.

You have a great ability to Love and to care deeply for others and yet you fear to give this also to Self. Perhaps you are able to view yourself through the same lens of compassion as you view others. In order to truly give to another, in order to truly love another, one is to first know this within Self. In that way are you then able to give completely and freely to another. Many of the choices you currently make and have made in the past have brought you often to the voice of ego which judges and admonishes you for giving people another chance. It often asks you why did you do that when you know from experience what you bring is not appreciated or understood? Thus is a gift of inner knowing received and you are able to have a hint of one of the thoughts, beliefs and scripts you are able to transform.

In order to know and create financial stability for self be willing and able to see what ways are you able to assist yourself to maintain the comfort you so choose to experience and know as you seek to create the transitions and transformations within your life. Then trust you do indeed do this! If you find you have a challenge in this then to look for the limiting thoughts, beliefs and scripts that seek to hold you back through a previously unseen belief, thought or script. Ask your Self is there any more that you choose to know in order to understand what is it like to create in a way only to create survival and not abundance? Look then at the choices you are your experiences support or diminish what you choose to create and know? If it diminishes what you choose to create and know ask Self what are you able to do to assist financial security without worry and fear? Understand and know your thoughts, your beliefs and the scripts carried within you. You are able to create in the same manner you presently are though perhaps with reduced time spent within it and allow it to be the means to provide support and security for you now until you create and are ready to enter into the passion of Self, creating and living within the vocation of Self rather than “ only’ a job. 

If you have further questions of this or desire clarity in any area we have communicated here, all it requires is for you to ask. And that is something you do not often do for Self. Know there are many who would gladly choose to assist you in so many ways if they were but given an opportunity to give to you as you have given to them.

That is all. God’s Blessings!

                      Ma-Ryah “