
March 31, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, There is so much focus on global warming. We continue to talk about the negative impact humans are having on the earth. We have also been hearing a lot about the belief that whatever you focus on you draw to you. Is this focus and talk creating more of a negative impact on earth or are we truly helping the problem by educating people? If we are magnifying this situation by focusing on it then how can we correct it for the positive? What approach can we take to resolve the impact on our planet?” Deb, Mass.

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We see you indeed put much thought into your question and how to present it to us. We shall answer your question with joy!

Human kind has indeed been more aware, more conscious of how they create with your beautiful planet. It is also truth as human beings that which you focus on is experienced as your reality ~ negative or positive. So we would say yes, in the present there is magnification of what is occurring within your world. This is not only a negative occurrence in your world. In order to transform a negative into a positive, consciousness of the creation is vital. Many, many humans now begin to once again focus on the healing of your world. Creating with gratitude and honor with your planet. Responsibility is taken for the adverse effects of human creation upon the planet. Understanding occurs on a large scale for what is to be created upon to now create balance within your world.

What approach can you take to resolve the impact on your planet? To be conscious of the awareness you as Beings do indeed affect and impact your planet. Being aware of the Sacredness of your world. Honor and respect of your planet assists you to create in your world the ways and means to experience balance and harmony with your world.

As human beings you understand how the plant kingdom assists the oxygen level within your world. Seeing the “ job” of this kingdom brings awareness of the necessity of this life within your world. The plant kingdom or life form has as much a vital role in your world as you do. Take, use what is necessary within your world to create and experience life in a harmonic way. Nourish what remains. Replant what is taken and take with the appreciation and gratitude for this life form assisting you to create and experience your life.

Water is necessary for human beings. Understand what is placed within the waters is what is returned to human kind. There has been nothing created within your world which has to this point impacted your world in a negative effect that is not able to be reversed.

Development of energy sources able to be harvested for the use of human kind is able to work in harmony with your planet, rather then the present creation of human kind. The information and means to do this already exists. You are able to communicate in large number to your governing bodies of your choice to make use of these other sources of energy. Individually you are able to do this within your own homes and such. The gift of wind and sun in your world is a wonderful gift.

Realize what occurs in your world ripples out and has the ability to affect other worlds. It does not matter whether human kind is aware of consciousness and life within other worlds or not. Life exists whether it is seen and known by human kind upon your planet or not ~

Create beauty where you live. Nourish, nurture, honor and respect the land, the Earth you live upon. Respect the earth has cycles of life to undergo, the same as human kind experiences transformations or changes. Global warming occurs, weather patterns exist because the transformation begins to occur within your planet. The shift of the planet’s axis has shifted 3.4 degrees at this present moment and will over the coming years of linear time, shift yet more. As the planet shifts the point of it’s axis many changes occur within your world, shifting weather patterns are but one of those changes. As in all things your world reflects the thoughts, beliefs and manifestations of human kind. Create from a place of Absolute Love and you create and experience a world of balance, harmony, abundance, beauty, grace, ease and peace. Create from a place of fear and experience a world of chaos, discord, lack of food, lack of natural resources, polluted and toxic air and water, struggle, and wars. The choice is yours.

What did you choose to do today to assist the human family and the world you live upon to experience life through Love?

Other worlds, other forms of consciousness pay close attention to the choices of human kind. Human kind has the ability and knowledge of how to live with your world from a place of balance, Love and respect.

The choice lies in the hearts and mind of all who experience life within your world. What is your choice? What do you set in motion each day to lift this vision of your world to be your experienced reality? All you require to do this already exists ~ It is up to the human family to do this or not.

That is all. God’s Blessings! “   Ma-Ryah