
March 31, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, Thank you. What great insight. I truly will have to continue to meditate on the answer you provided.

I do need some clarification please. When you say that I will be moving from the location that I am currently living in, do you mean I will be moving from the UK back to US or vice versa? I now spend my time in both places.

Also, is EFT the right tool to use for getting in touch and removing my blocks and limiting beliefs? What is the best tool for me to overcome my limiting beliefs and move into that state of abundance you speak of?

Thank you so much for reminding me of my gifts. One of the gifts resonated with what I already know in my heart but am fearing that I am not ready to attempt ( the working with youth) and the other I didn’t consciously acknowledge but it made perfect sense and had perfect resonance in my heart ( photo and writing combined).

Am I to think my consulting work will sustain me financially while I work on my dream? Finally, what animal is my guide?

With love and gratitude, Joanne”

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. Thank you for your comments about our assistance with yourself.

We see the energy much stronger for you to ultimately reside there in the UK. Of course the gift of free will is always part of your human life and if you instead desire to reside in the USA then create in a way to have this be your reality.

Yes, EFT is the tool for you to use in the assistance of transforming blocks and limitations. As you become aware of the thoughts, beliefs and scripts based within fear, not love, be aware you are able to transform them most easily with your awareness of them. Know the limiting beliefs, thoughts and scripts, or as we see them, the shadows of self and communicate with honesty about them to your self. How did they assist you to know and experience life? In what way did they serve you and create exactly as they were directed to create in order for you to know the full implications, effect and impact upon your life experience? What do you now know and understand because of them? See the wisdom and knowledge of the experiences without judgment. Honor and respect the part of self who chose to experience it’s self outside of the vibration of love in order for you to understand this expression of self within the physical world. Then consciously choose each day, each moment the experience you now choose to create and be aware of, and create in such a way to assist this to occur. If you seek to merely get rid of, or ignore the presence of these parts of self, they shall indeed create in such a way to bring your attention, awareness and focus back to them. This part of self created exactly as you directed it to create and experience life, now it only requires recognition, honor and gathering the wisdom of the experience to be able to transform in to what you now consciously choose to know.

Yes, your consulting work indeed sustains you very well financially while you create upon your dream.

We see the energy of a falcon near you. You are able to study the falcon and apply some of it’s life process to your own. Especially be aware of the keen eye sight of the falcon! Then apply this knowledge to your own eyesight.

Know you are held always in Love. That is all. God’s Blessings.
