
May 11, 2007

Question: “ Hi Ma-Ryah, Ever since I was younger, I have always wanted my own business. It is such a strong energy that I not only can see what the place looks like, I can also see the surrounding buildings and I can see and hear the people enjoying the food and the atmosphere. I actually feel as though my Soul is singing when I am preparing food or planning a party. I know in my heart that I will open, “ The Fourth Coin” someday and I will be successful, but right now I am finding it to be very challenging to figure out what to do next. I cater the occasional party and I do dessert orders. I get frustrated when people don’t call and something I thought would be a success isn’t. I don’t yet have the financial stability to support my endeavor. What can I do to continue to move forward and nurture my business? I’ve been using EFT to work thru limiting beliefs and it is helping, but I feel as though something is missing. How can I create differently so I can go forward and honor what I believe is really part of my purpose? Thank you for your help. God’s Blessings!” Rosanne, NJ

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We already know you also have created a 3-D model of your future business. That is an excellent way to be able to see your dreams and desires manifested! The EFT process you are using is a beneficial tool to use and we have seen many changes occur within you in the past few months. Our advice is to continue in this way and perhaps create a journal also. In the journal write each day what steps you took that day to bring your dream closer to your reality. Include photos of design and such if you desire. Perhaps create a web site and advertise so others know of your business. Create flyers and pass out to businesses as well as private homes.

Our only other advice to you is to look within yourself for every part of you that holds deeply to procrastination and self- sabotage. These two aspects go hand in hand with the shadow of not believing completely and fully that you not only deserve to be successful, but are also able to be very successful.

When a vision is held as long as you have held the vision of your business, The Fourth Coin, you are able to know this is one reason you have incarnated in this time frame. Belief and celebration of Self is vital. See the subtle ways procrastination and self sabotage wait within you to keep alive the shadow of not being able to be successful.

Meditate upon, daydream and journal about the vision of Self being extremely successful. What fears and doubts arise? Do you see fear in regards to being able to keep up with the work, etc.? See what fears and doubts arise. Do they have validation in this moment of time? Do they serve you in bringing forth your vision or hinder you? Transform what you can, forgive and release what you can not ~ Be open to wonders occurring in your life in August 2007~ That is all. God’s Blessings.” Ma-Ryah