
May 6, 2007

Question: “ First, let me thank you again for the very insightful and wise direction from my last question. It is true that although I have been focusing on my career and financial creation there is a very big part that seems to be missing in my life. That part is meeting the right partner with whom I can further create and develop other aspects of my existence, including creating children. So far, I have not found my earth partner with whom to do this. Would you advise if this is something I did come to create - both marriage and the birth of my own children, or if perhaps my soul has other plans? If my original plan was to create these experiences, what do I need to do to manifest them in my life?” With light and gratitude, Joanne

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We do understand the frustration, worries and sadness which occurs in your life due to the perceived missing parts of your life. You are not alone with these concerns. Many human beings are creating in very similar concerns at this moment in time. A shift has begun in the consciousness of human beings in regards to relationships and this concern will be part of human beings for some time to come; perhaps for the next five years. This is a transformation occurring in many, many humans at this time. Because of this many humans find it very challenging to connect with another and create together as life partners. As we scan you we do find you have several children connected with you. We see girl, girl and boy connected to your energy. Have faith you do indeed complete this part of your Soul’s journey.

How then do you bring to you a life partner? Use this moment in time to develop a relationship with Self. Who are you? What are the gifts of Self as well as the perceived limitations of Self? Know how worthy and deserving you are to receive a relationship with another that supports this with Self. Be aware of how you love and are able to create with another. Use the gift of the child self ~ imagination...Then imagine the partner you seek comes and joins your life. What is he like? What are the gifts he brings? Is he open and receptive to love, or does he fear it? Does he have the ability to laugh and create from the basis of joy? When he creates the obstacles of life does he stop creating in despair, sorrow and self-pity or does he regroup Self and continue on? What are his Spiritual beliefs? Do they match yours, or do they differ from yours? What are the depths of him? Where does he create in the Shadows of Self? How do you connect with these parts of him? As you imagine him and how he is allow yourself to see clearly and honestly with what you imagine him to be. Then see where you are in the same things you assign to him. Send out the knowing you do indeed meet him and your life is filled with all you desire.

As human beings you have created through the eons of time upon your fears and wounds. Transformation occurs so human beings are able to create now on the love and hopes rather than the fears and wounds. Ask yourself every day; What did I do today to create balance, harmony, joy and love in my life? Perhaps you saw, owned and transformed a fearful part of self so you are now more easily able to know you are more ready to receive an honoring love in your life. Create always on the knowledge of how you consciously choose to know and experience life and love ~ and it shall indeed occur. That is all. God’s Blessings ~” Ma-Ryah