
May 6, 2007

Question: “ Ma-Ryah, I was just recently diagnosed with an enlarged right ovary. The diagnosis of my last sonogram showed that I have a cyst inside my ovary. My doctor is sending me for yet another sonogram as a precaution. My doctor also found a very sensitive spot on my right breast. There is no cyst, however, she is still sending me for another mammogram. This is not the first time that my right breast supposedly had something in it. The second time I was sent, it was gone.

I am going through a lot of personal problems in my marriage right now. I often wonder if the stress and negativity I’m fighting is settling in these areas of my body? I’d like to know if either area is in danger of becoming cancerous? Can you advise me how to bring my body back to homeostasis ( balance)? Your guidance is truly appreciated.” Madaline, Iselin, NJ

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We are pleased to see you have the awareness of knowing stress, negativity and imbalance in life does indeed affect the balance of the body. Working with physician also assists in maintaining a balance in your body. All illness is able to be balanced when creating from the knowledge of body, mind, Soul and Spirit.

As we scan you we do not see the denseness of cancer. To say which area, the breast or the ovary is more likely than the other to ultimately result in cancer would be to create and plant a seed of fear within you. The human ego would then develop the seed of fear and ultimately create a self-fulfilling prophecy and ultimately create cancer. The ovary is a denser energy and so we would say your greater imbalance lies there.

As a woman your ovaries represent creativity as well as how you perceive yourself as a sexual, sensual Being. Because we find imbalance and dense energy there we would say you are a woman who has had many experiences which have created negatively within your life. We would say you have had many experiences in life where you have felt unsafe as a female. Many experiences which have shown you that you are not always able to be a sexual, sensual female and receive balance, dignity, respect and love. We would say you have had many life experiences when you have received harm simply because you are a female. We would also say you have felt often rejected, pushed aside and felt you are not enough just as you are. Because the energy of the ovary is dense we would also say that many of your hopes, dreams and desires have not fulfilled you and been perceived as un- successful. Through these experiences you have judged yourself also and thus the imbalance is created. You also carry a great fear of cancer within the female organs. Be aware of this and transform the fear. Know it is not necessary for you to create cancer in this time frame.

The woman breasts are always excellent indicators of how you nurture and care for Self. Any time they are imbalanced you may be certain you are neglecting the care of Self in an effort to please and appease others whose approval and love you seek. As you nurture and care for Self you create a balance in Self. Through this you say to Self, you are able to be loved as you are. You are enough as you are! Once you give this to Self you no longer neglect self seeking to appease or please another. They either receive and love you ~ or they do not. Does their approval of you have the power to change who you are within yourself? Only if you do so empower them with this. Are you able to stand in the commitment to Self, without judgment and rejection of Self? As you learn to be in truth with Self, in honor with Self and with nurturing and care of Self, you shall find your body begins to reflect this also. If you require clarification, just ask...That is all. Go in God’s Blessings~” Ma-Rya