
November 2008

November 2, 2008

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, Just these past few months I feel a pull, a pull to make contact with something more, to start a new journey. This entire summer I’ve been compelled to read anything about energy, guides, ghosts and angels. Back story, I am a stay at home mom since March of 2007. I have one preschool age daughter and an infant son. Someday I have to rejoin the workforce but feel strongly about finding something different to do. I’m on a constant search of what else I could do, like there could be something that I am meant to do other than being a mother, which I love.

I’ve always been a believer in the paranormal, I never needed convincing. Part of that comes from a house I grew up in. I do strongly feel that there was much unseen forces in that house and that they may have not been friendly. Because of this, I always had a strong fear and respect, to this day I am terribly afraid of the dark.

This past Spring/ early Summer, I started to identify a reoccurring dream I’ve had over the years and other events in my household caught my attention. One day shopping, I was compelled to buy a James Von Prahgg book, “ Ghosts Among Us”. I have not read a book in years and had no desire to do to. But unlike myself I bought this book and read it cover to cover. That started a new journey for me. After that I sought having a Reiki healing session to have my energy aligned, then I sought more answers to fears I was feeling in my home, particularly at night. I was having trouble sleeping, fearing that reoccurring dream would come back.

The dream: Different setting and different people each time. But always set in a home, hotel, a B&B...and there will be a room that has a negative vibe that I do not want to enter, but I always end up being required to go in or pass by that room. There will be noise and a weight of fear, I wake up sweating from these dreams.

I contacted a local “ghost hunting” group to interview me and see my house. They brought a psychic member. She told me that the dream symbolized my own third eye wanting to open and my fears of the paranormal keeping it shut. That surprised me! Touring my house they found nothing but my dog that had passed away early spring and told me the noises I was hearing at night was due to her laying against the wall. What I do not know is if she is earthbound and needs help or is in the light and chooses to be here in the house? They told me they found no other evidence that I was being haunted, even though my other complaint was that I often, all my life, but recently increased, hear muffled conversation at night, as if someone left on a TV or radio in another room that had bad reception. They had no answer for that but suggested I read books by author, Doreen Virtue. I did, and now I’m more confused about guides and angels and which I should put more effort into contacting, and what the differences are.

So, long story short, is there a reason why I am so compelled to discover more about guides and angels? Is there a plan for me that involves me being in contact, do my guides an angles want me to contact them? Because I desperately want to meet them and understand them and my own life’s purpose. I feel like I need to know more and that it has something to do with my future. I just struggle so much with fear and the how to, and am confused. Any advice at all?

Years ago in college, a priest said to me as I was confirming my faith as a Catholic, “ God has a plan for you”. I never understood that, I think you could help.” Melissa

November 9, 2008

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, It seems there are a lot of people experiencing physical changes in the recent months. How are our physical bodies changing and what can we do to ease this transition? Most of my patients are coming in with real low sodium levels and major electrolyte imbalances, without real symptoms. I craved sweets all summer, now it’s shifted to salt. Thank you.” Terri, NJ

November 30, 2008

Question: “ God’s Blessings Ma-Ryah, I am being considered for adult stem cell treatment for my Cardiomyopathy and would appreciate anything you can tell me about it. I would have to have to have the treatment outside of my own country. Thank you.” LA Rest, Fla.