
October 30, 2009

Question: My question: My life is going through some particularly big changes lately, life altering changes. My whole way of life has been turned upside down. No matter what I do I feel as though I am on shaky grounds. My heart feels torn. Does Ma-Ryah have any advice for me, or any sense of what direction would be best for me. Kindest regards, Gina”

Answer: “ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We are pleased to receive your question and honored to answer.

Like many human beings you are undergoing many changes in life. Some are as you say, life altering. What has been perceived as a way of life for many years no longer brings peace, satisfaction or comfort to many humans as more opportunities arise to present fulfilling ways of life present themselves to human beings. The changes offer more fulfillment in mind and Spirit and yet in many ways presents choices to be made to allow something outside the comfort zone in many cases to be embraced. We see you having a decision to make which involves matters of the heart. Past experiences and unrealized dreams seem to stand in your way and we see some frustration in allowing the opportunities to unfold. And yet, unfolding new possibilities is part of the human journey is it not? Many issues in regards to this matter of the heart has cycled around in your life many times and perhaps it is time to allow it to just unfold and experience what there is to experience. New friendships also offer themselves to you and your life begins to expand in so many ways, and yet this is also something you have desired to have in your life for quite some time. Perhaps now is the time to reach out with hope, with faith and with trust ~ all issues you have struggled with through time and yet all issues ultimately able to bring you what you seek. In most ways in your personal life you feel as though you are standing on the edge, overlooking all you seek, yet fearful to take the first step. You have sought to expand and to assist your heart to be open so you may assist the transformation of your own life, as well as to assist others. Some experiences bring to you the knowledge of where you appear to be blocked and fearful, while other experiences show you how much you have transformed and grown in the past three years of your life. In every human life a time comes to either choose to step forward, trusting all that is required to assist you is already in place ~ or to step back and return to the comfort of what has been known. Will you step forward into faith and hope or will you step back into the comfort of the known, even if it is not what you have chosen during the past three years for your life to be? The choice is yours. There is ‘no wrong’ choice. You are able to be open to receive knowledge and wisdom to be applied to your life no matter which choice you make. When experiences of the past seek to prevent you to take a leap of faith, you are able to move beyond it by recognizing it’s presence, honoring the fear, uncertainty and resistance within self, and applying the gift of, ‘So what!’ Choosing to move into areas of life that are able to be more honoring, more loving and more in alignment of who you are as a Human Being is able to be done ~ faith and trust are the stepping stones to ultimately take you there.

You are able to sit with your choices and ask your self,’ Does this choice bring me closer to the vision I hold of my self or further away from this vision?’ Hear the response within self, as well as the resistance within self and create a choice based upon what you so choose your life to be in this moment of time.

We see you have also opened your Being to be of assistance to both the physical and Spirit world. Here requires your greatest ability of commitment to self. Knowing your fears as well as your truths serve you well in this matter. Discernment ~ a gift to develop and unfold in your self and applied to your working with Spirit. You have the ability to be beneficial in this development, however it is advisable to be conscious of who you receive messages from within the Spirit world. Right now we see you wide open, receiving and seeking to sort the messages received. Discernment and focus are beneficial tools to apply to this aspect of your life. Your intention of healing and assisting both realms is admirable. Be patient with self as you develop and expand this ability. To undertake this task it is beneficial to remember balance in all areas of your life. It is also quite fine to be ‘off duty’ to both realms as you choose and to know this ‘off duty’ time is honored. We see one shadow within you is the great fear of disappointing or upsetting another and this shadow if not seen, worked with and transformed within self does what it is designed to do, which is to bring you experiences from both physical and Spirit that this is a shadow you carry. To transform this shadow you are able to see it is okay to have time for self. It is okay to be ‘off duty’ sometimes and trust those who honor and know you respect this rather than push against it. Remember part of creating balance in life is to give time to experience joy, love, harmony and life in your human journey also. Taking time to celebrate the human journey is also important. Taking time to see who are you in this moment and what is your truth is also vital in the transformation of how you create beyond the shadow.

We send you much Light and Blessings as you open to Love within your life and within your work with Spirit also ~ God’s Blessings!” Ma-Ryah