
Opportunity of Growth

Opportunity of Growth

“ God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. We once again find ourselves with the opportunity to communicate with you in this manner. As always, we are pleased to be able to communicate with you here in this way.

Humanity has had many difficult and challenging times in this past year and some times it seems as though your world is becoming more and more unstable. When you look around your world, indeed within your own lives it is easy to see how humanity may be perceiving your world in this way. You do not have to search strongly to find many areas of your world in great conflict with one another. You do not have to search strongly to find many humans in hunger and illness. Your lives have been touched by the imbalance of your currency and in the world markets, creating much fear in individual human beings. Many of you are seeing imbalance and more chance for imbalances to be experienced within your world. In the United States you are also in a transition period of changing the leader of your country. Many human beings appear to not know which way to turn and many are experiencing great upheaval in their lives and are unsure of which way to turn.

In previous years we were asked which candidate in the United States would win the Presidential elections and we did answer, George Bush. Many human beings questioned why we would say this especially after the experience of the first four years he did serve your country as President. We did answer, ‘ for he is the perfect person for what is the journey of human kind at this time.’ Just as the Emissaries are perfect for what they bring into your world; for they show you the imbalance and the embracing of fear by human kind. Many now speak great judgment against this man who has served as President for eight years and speak of how they do not honor him. Perhaps if you are able to see he was indeed the perfect man to serve these past eight years in what he has shown exists as imbalances in your country and in your world, then instead of being judged he is able to be acknowledged for the difficult task he had. This man did often speak he felt directed by the Divine to lead the country he served. He was indeed. Remember, in times past we have spoken to human beings of how sometimes in order to see the face of fear, the face of imbalance it must first be seen. In his first term he was chosen with great expectation and many also chose him for the second term with the same expectations even though he had shown many of the aspects of governing as he is now seen clearly creating. How challenging it is to be the human who is then receiving the judgment and blame for the imbalances now seen in your country! Without the tasks he created you would not now see the possibility for things to be different, for change to occur. This man who served his country for the past eight years created in such a way that he accomplished what was not accomplished for many years within the United States. He assisted his country to awaken from the apathy the people existed within! He stirred the fears and imbalances within his country so the Americans could see very clearly what was in a state of imbalance, fear and denied. When we were asked those years before about him we did speak he would indeed be President for he was perfect for stirring the shadows of his country so they could be seen and so the people of his country would move from apathy to consciousness and participation. Rather than to blame and speak of him from a place of judgment, perhaps instead to see as a man, as a human, how difficult was the task set before him. In a conscious way he did not know he had chosen to be one who stirred the shadows, who stirred the fears and yet that is what he did beautifully. The opportunity of healing these shadows, transforming these shadows and moving forward in an active participation of your country, Americans are able to thank him for the task he did so well. The role of catalyst is not an easy role for any human being to play and yet it is a vital and necessary role to play in order to bring into consciousness what is there to be seen.

We of course were also asked who would become President of America in this election. We did respond the energy was high for Barack Obama to become the leader of the United States, an 87% opportunity for him to be President was spoken of for free will is always to be honored. And so he is. When we speak of him we speak of him as ‘the Bringer of Light’. Your world is a world of balance. Fear has been raised and continues to raise within your world for quite awhile and yet transformation has begun. Where fear has been what humanity has reacted to, now with the Bringer of Light, opportunity of growth exists as choices are able to come from a conscious response chosen and created within your country and world. Expectations are also high for the man America has chosen to be their President. Remember the opportunity of growth present here. Just as President Bush did not on his own create and manifest the fears and imbalances within your country, neither is your next President able to transform all the fears and imbalances on his own. He has held up light within your country for the people to be able to see there is yet hope life is able to be experienced in a different way than how it has been experienced. There is hope and possibility once again to heal the relationship of America with her global family and to make many transformations in your world. There is again the invitation for the people of America to continue to stay conscious and actively participate in the transformation of their beloved country. It is not up to one, it up to all to create this transformation. Patience and understanding to be held by all as you seek to come together as a harmonic country once again.

In your world all human beings have an opportunity through events unfolded and which are yet unfolding to see perhaps it is time for the consciousness of human kind to move from a fear based reactive race of Beings, to instead begin to transform into compassionate, heart centered/driven Human Beings responding to one another. Your Earth is home to all, not only a few. Just as President Bush did not create all the shadows and imbalances in America on his own, neither is America responsible for the sole creation of fear in your world. Transformation and growth within your world requires the active and conscious participation of all within your world. Your world begins a journey, an opportunity to create a world of peace, balance, compassion and love. The choice is your to make. Will you stay conscious and participate or not? We send much love to all within your world and offer love, support and guidance if sought as you perhaps begin to walk the path of transformation. Now is able to be the time when the world comes together as a family who gathers together with love and assist one another to heal and to grow. God’s Blessings!” Ma-Ryah


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