Celebration of Life
“God’s Blessings! This is Ma-Ryah from the higher realms of God. In this communication we desire to speak with you about the celebration of life. There are so many moments of the human beings to be able to see and view only the sadness, pain filled and negative perceived aspects of the human life and journey. Often time the joy and the love found also in your world is overlooked by the appearance of the seemingly larger energy of pain and fear.
Your ego self seeks only that which you direct it to seek so you may have the understanding and knowing of a particular experience in order to know and to choose how indeed shall you experience your life? Therefore it becomes a choice also of being aware of the moments of celebration of life within your world by giving to your ego self the task of looking for and therefore seeing these moments so you may be aware this is also what is here in your world.
To give to yourself an experience of this, direct your ego to observe and to point out to you moments of happiness, joy, love, balance, honor, kindness etc., for you to see. When it does this, acknowledge and appreciate what you have been directed to be aware of. In order to see more of this you are able to create a book for self to have the knowledge and experience of in order to call to mind even more often the experiences of life you are able to celebrate and rejoice over, rather than to judge and be in shadow about. Create a journal, decorating the cover as you so choose. Each day give the directions to your ego to point out a moment or experience that shows ____________, and then fill in the blank with what you choose to see and know that day. Perhaps you choose to see something of beauty in your world that day and so your ego will point this out to you. Make note of it in the moment. If able to in the moment, use photography or create a sketch of it in your mind or on paper if you are able to do this in the moment. Later, perhaps before retiring and entering sleep you are able to record this in your book. If picture was taken or sketched, add that to your book also, along with words that describe what you experienced and witnessed. To do this each day adds energy to the choice you are creating upon to see and know moments other than fear, separation and isolation. It assists your ego to learn a different way to see the world. These moments are always there, you do not always have awareness of them because the human ego is designed to see the moments of shadow, of who you are not, in order to ultimately remember who you truly are as Beings of Spirit, Light and Love. You are also able to put in this book experience you hear of another. In the pursuit of the news within your land, there is focus on the imbalances, fear and inhumanity…perhaps assign your ego the task of becoming aware of a moment of kindness, love, respect or assistance given one to another. Record that in your Celebration of Life book and you then have it to show the ego when you have a day which strengthens the belief of pain”
God’s Blessings ~ Ma-Ryah