Condolence Letter to Self
Now that you have the experience of seeing how challenging it is to look deeply into your own eyes within the mirror and see reflected there Unconditional Love, you are now ready to begin to heal the aspects of self not able to allow that Unconditional Love to be seen. Every human being has many experiences of life that shows them who they are when viewed through the filters of judgment, condemnation and criticism. You are able to reflect back through the years and find many areas of life that when viewed even through the veils of time invoke feelings of sadness, anger and shame. The lesson able to assist the healing of these aspects of self is the condolence letter to self. As you reflect on the years seen and experienced as past years and you find the moments of life that even now invoke the feelings of sadness, anger and shame you are able to write them down so you are able to see the areas of pain you still carry forward into the present moment. Each of these moments you record by writing down a reference to them is an aspect of self which finds it difficult to see the look of Unconditional Love within your own self. As you look at the list you have made which one invokes the strongest feelings? Begin with this one and write a letter from who you find your self to be now in this moment, to who you were in that moment in the past. Write a letter of condolence to that self and allow that self to know how deeply you do regret this self had to have that experience. Allow your heart to guide you as you write to this part of self. You will find the words to say to self. Perhaps you will even find some wisdom still to be gleaned from this moment in time that until you wrote this letter you did not know or see this wisdom. How has that moment molded you? How does that moment affect who you now know your self as? Does this moment of the past hinder you? If so, how? Perhaps in this letter of condolence to self you are able to give the self who had the experience some guidance on what to do with the experience so it doesn’t hinder or create more moments of pain within your life. Perhaps you are also able to see the courage of your self in that moment of time and how deeply and purely this aspect of self created in a moment of pain. Are you able to honestly praise and acknowledge the courage of this self? If you indeed are able to do this then you will move forward in healing this part of your self. When you feel this letter is complete, then you are able to read this letter in the three part way of reading. First, read it in your mind. Second, read it out loud. And third, read it out loud while looking at your self in the mirror. Make note of how you feel in the three different ways of reading this letter. Do you feel imbalance any where in your body? When reading it out loud to your self in the mirror, are there certain parts of the letter where you avert your eyes from your self? Do you feel relief? Or do you feel tightening in areas of your body while reading this letter? All of these reactions hold yet even more information for you to work with in order to heal these aspects of self through the moments of your life. As you are ready, you are able to do this lesson over for each part of self you had originally made note of as different moments of your life that still invoke feelings of sadness, anger and shame. There is no time table in doing this lesson. You do not rush through it. You give your self the gift of time to see and know these parts of self very deeply. You reach back to your self throughout the moments of time to assist your own self in understanding, having compassion for these moments of your life, and healing these aspects of self. Once you have done the letter of condolence for some point in your life, then observe how has it benefited you? Are you able to discern a difference in how you created, reacted and responded in your life before the letter and then after the letter?
Remember, all the knowledge you seek to know about self in order to heal and transform self is found within your own Being. . Each moment of time still held in pain, anger, sadness, shame and fear that you are able to see and to transform assists you to move forward in life in a more joyful way. It is then easier for you to create and experience life from a place of love, rather than a place of fear or defense. Remember there are Beings of Love, of Spirit who stand with you always through these moments and applaud the courage of who you now are as you reach back to your self through the veils of time to heal a part of self still held in the grips of anger, sadness, shame, pain and fear. From time to time allow your self to feel the love of these Beings as you walk the journey of healing.
God’s Blessings always! Ma-Ryah