Today the world is focused on Japan and the unfolding of the horrific events caused by the 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan. It is sad as well as frightening to view the images coming from Japan and seeing the damage caused by the earthquake and the tsunami. When nature asserts herself in such dramatic ways it makes us feel so helpless. We as people seem to not be able to do anything to stop what happens when a catastrophe of nature occurs and are only able to deal with the after effects. Prayers are said by people all around the world for Japan and all the beautiful people who live there. Assistance from many countries will begin to flow into Japan as the world responds to another crisis created by nature.
Throughout the years of my channeling much information has come through about earth changes able to occur in our world from now, building up to 2012 and into 2018. Most people who know me well know I do not like it when information about these things come through in the channeling. Some of the events spoken about have occurred, such as the great tsunami a few years ago that resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Others have not occurred and thus my resistance to having questions asked of Ma-Ryah about earth changes.
However, when events such as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is the news I hear when waking up today, I can not help but reflect on the vast amount of information that has come through over the years in my channeling. For years I have followed the earthquake reporting sites on the Internet and follow this closely, especially any news of large quakes in Japan. Though the events recently unfolded in Japan are heartbreaking and terrible, my mind keeps going over the moments possibly able to be our reality that have been spoken of during the years of channeling. One of the serious earthquakes Ma-Ryah has spoken about that mean serious repercussions for most of our world is when a large quake is seen to happen in the area of Mt. Fuji.
Most who know me, know I do believe in parallel universes and in the unlimited possibilities of experiences. Since I do absolutely believe in this, I also believe in the ability to change and alter what I experience in this world. So much has been communicated about earth changes and transformations of our planet during this time and so much of it is wrapped in fear. One of the main reasons I resist allowing information to come through during channeling is the amount of fear that is raised in many people when they hear the information communicated. What often happens when information is given and fear is raised, Ma-Ryah will ask the person who reacts with fear, “What if it doesn’t occur?” If we live our lives in fear of what may happen we limit our selves very much. If we instead see and respond to what does occur it is then easier to have faith in knowing though earth changes may occur, human life continues and all will be where they are to be…
I do believe the earth, like us is undergoing transformation. I also believe most of the time that these changes do not have to be horrific and can be more gentle. Sometimes it is difficult to hold this belief when seeing all the weather and earth changes that have been occurring in our world so far ~ and today is one of those times. In moments like this I spend my time in prayer….May the Creator hold us all within the energy of love and gentleness…