Standing poised in the dance of life
seeking reflections of the transformations
occurring in my life.
Fears released, transformed
one fear at a time,
daring to stand unshielded,
naked in the eyes of the Creator.
Seeking courage to stand, to create,
to dance the dance of life
with no masks, costumes or shields
to hide who I am.
Risk to be vulnerable.
Risk to be seen,
exactly as I am ~
nothing to hide,
nothing to fear.
Reflections of the Universe
show me where I am.
Reflections of the Universe
share with me the journey of life.
I stand in the Light
and seek only to dance
the dance of life
balancing, shifting, choosing
one moment at a time.
Creating life from
shadow and light,
human and Soul
reflected always back to me.
Reflections of the Sacred
here for me to create with,
to dance with
and to soar ~
disguise set aside
poised in the dance of life.
The radiance of light
creating a stage of fluid harmony
reflecting always the dance of life,
the dance of the human,
the dance of the Soul,
and the dance of Spirit.
Creator’s light
shine into my world
and show to me the reflections
of your love.
Sharon L. Dvorak
December 2007