The day before Thanksgiving I was having a conversation with my youngest grandchild and with her mother’s permission I am going to share this conversation with you. My reasons are many but two of them are the main reason I share this with you. One reason is I am so in awe of this child and the way her mind works and the second reason is the story is a wonderful illustration of how the children present in our world view the shadows of our lives. My grandchild is seven years old and in a few months will be turning eight. She is part of the children in our world who are here to assist in the evolution of human kind at some point in time. Ma-Ryah first began to speak of these children right before they began to make their appearance in our world. She refers to the children who are this age as Emissaries of Love. All children who are seven and have recently or are soon going to turn eight are part of this group of souls who have incarnated into our world. Some of them remember where they come from, remember why they are here and know they have an agenda. At another point in time I will set aside time here so Ma-Ryah may speak of these amazing children in our world. My grandchild remembers and she also knows she is here to assist us all to see our shadows, to see the many ways we accept and embrace as part of who we are the scripts and beliefs that separate us and keep us from seeing and creating from the knowledge we are amazing souls of absolute love who just happen to be experiencing the human journey. They are very unique children and while they all are individuals they also share many things in common. One thing they do have in common is they do not only create in the shadows, not only react to life experiences; they become what they are showing. They do not get angry ~ they are anger. They do not show happiness ~ they are happiness. After this brief explanation of the Emissaries of Love I feel you have an idea of how these children create a little differently than you or I do. As soon as possible I will set aside time so Ma-Ryah can go into depth about these children but for now I will get on with the story.
During the course of our conversation my grandchild began to tell me about a dog she and her family have had the opportunity to dog sit from time to time. This dog is a very sweet dog and is loved deeply by the whole family. They all look forward to spending time with this dog. My grandchild told me she was sad because they won’t be able to dog sit her any more. ( I am changing the dog’s name to protect the innocent ..grinning as I type this) She told me, ” When the owner was walking Fido another dog was coming and Fido attacked the other dog. The owner said we can’t watch the dog now in case she does it again.” I told my grandchild, ” Well that doesn’t sound like Fido at all.” She said, ” No, it isn’t like her at all. I don’t know why she did it but now we can’t watch her.” I then told my grandchild, ” Maybe the other dog had an attitude and Fido reacted to the other dogs’ attitude.” She said, “Oh..” I added, ” Just like when you are in shadow and you have a choice. You can use your words or do something to hurt or upset someone because you are in a bad mood, or you can choose to make sure you don’t hurt someone or their feelings because you are in a bad mood.” She told me, ” Yeah like I did this morning.” Me…” What did you do this morning?”
She answered, ” Well this morning I was in a bad mood and I was mad at my brother.” ( She used her brother’s name which I am choosing not to use) I asked her, ” So you were in shadow this morning?” “Yes,” she answered. ” So anyway Grandmom I was so mad at my brother and I wanted to kill him! So I drew a picture on the computer of me killing my brother.” Taking a breath in I asked her, ” You do know right that in this world you really can’t do that?” With a little sarcasm in her voice she responded, ” Yes I know that Grandmom. And I didn’t. I made the picture instead. Then I walked away and felt better. Later I remembered I left that picture on the computer so I went back to it and deleted it because I know how to do that.” I told her, ” That is good. If your brother saw that it would really hurt his feelings and upset him.” “Maybe it would Grandmom but I deleted it. I remembered to delete it because I know you don’t leave evidence like that on the computer!”
Through the years this child has come out with some amazing, insightful comments and has shown how beautiful we are able to be when we come from a conscious way of creating using our soul rather than coming from a reactive ego based place within our selves. She also has a way of creating in the shadows that often surprise me and others. Any parent of one of these children definitely have their hands full with them as well as find themselves very blessed to have them in their lives. They are not always easy children to be around when they engage in the very human shadow ways but they are truly amazing when they come from their loving sides. My two youngest grandchildren are often like oil and water and have been throughout their lives together. When they are loving with one another it is very noticed and appreciated. The photographs used here in this writing are photographs of my grandchildren. One definitely shows my granddaughters’ shadow face and the other was a photograph their father took of them in one of the rare moments they were loving with one another. We all already have plans to use this photo often to remind them they really do love one another…
I have learned so much from this grandchild. She will call me on my own stuff faster than anyone else. She will remind me I always have Ma-Ryah around me and let me know sometimes she wishes Ma-Ryah wasn’t always around seeing what she does! I have to admit, I feel that way too sometimes ~ especially when I am in a shadow place myself. She also will snuggle up to me, remind me with gentleness and love in her voice how important it is for me to remember I am only playing and pretending to be a human being. She reminds me of what I am here to do and then will ask me why I am not doing it fully yet, while she hugs me tightly. Perhaps on another day I will share with you some of her ‘Yoda” moments with me. Right now though I have chosen to share this story with you to show how she views having what we see and know as a negative thought. She felt strongly the feelings she was having that morning and she chose to get it out of herself by drawing it rather than acting upon it. She also did not choose to leave evidence of it around though I can’t honestly say that choice was because she didn’t want her brother to see it.
When I spoke with my daughter on Thanksgiving day I asked her if she had heard the conversation I had with her daughter? She had not heard it because while I was speaking with my grandchild, my daughter was in the kitchen cooking. When I told my daughter about the conversation and what her child had told me she said, ” I don’t know where she comes up with these things.” We both laughed and I said her brother said I should write about it here. My daughter agreed and said it was too bad it wasn’t video taped. Then instead of writing about it people could watch the video and see what they go through with the children here now. She said, ” Sometimes I don’t know where she comes from.” I laughed and answered, ” The seventh universe…” We both had a chuckle over that and then discussed other things together before saying goodbye.
The children we share our lives and world with are amazing ~ they are such gifts to us and we can learn so much about being loving, non-judgmental Beings by creating with them in a conscious way. They can do things that raise up frustrations in us or cause us to pause for a moment as we reflect on the wisdom and love they come out with and catch us by surprise; having to remind our selves they are ‘only children’. Has your child amazed you either with a moment of wisdom, insight and love, or amazed you at the depth of shadow they come from sometimes? If so, please share your story here by leaving a comment. I would love to hear about your child. And if you would like to know more about the Emissaries of Love, please leave a comment and let me know. Or you can subscribe to the feed and see when I post a communication from Ma-Ryah about these very wonderful children. And for those of you with a seven or eight year old child in your life you have both my sympathy and my admiration and envy. Enjoy them for like all children they are amazing gifts and they are incredible Beings who are here to help us to grow and remember who we really are…