She holds the flute to her heart
filling it with her feelings ~
sometimes she fills her flute with joy ~
sometimes she fills her flute with pain.
The beat of her heart connects
with the flute ~
holding it now to her forehead
filling her flute with her thoughts.
Prayer fills her mind and the flute
uniting them as one.
She is now the flute
and the flute becomes her.
Lifting her flute to her lips
she fills the flute with her breath.
Fingers move upon the flute
creating notes and sound.
“ Creator”, she prays ~
“ Hear the pain which fills my heart.”
And the flute sends forth to the Creator
the song of her pain.
Sorrow beyond sorrow ~
grief given voice, released to the Creator.
“ Creator,” she prays ~
“ Hear the joy which fills my heart.”
And the joy dances in the notes and song,
dancing upon the wind,
and joy is celebrated with the Creator.
The Creator turns His ear
towards the prayer of his child
lifted high within the voice of the flute.
The Creator hears her prayers ~
prayers beyond words.
The flute player feels the Creator’s love
as her sorrow, grief and pain is heard.
She is wrapped in the Creator’s love
as her pain is taken deep into the Creator
and she is comforted.
The flute player feels the Creator’s love
as her joy and happiness is received.
She feels the Creator’s joy
and dances in the Creator’s heart.
They are one ~
She is the flute
and the flute is her.
Prayer beyond the limitation of words
lifted in a prayer of song.
Sharon Dvorak
June 3, 2008