
May 2007

May 6, 2007

Question: “ Ma-Ryah, after some work this past weekend at the beach, I am noticing a lot of changes. I’m concerned that when I returned to my 2nd job it had an odd feel, it would have been very easy to let it go, although the income from it is required at this point in my life. My question is combination of thoughts: Is it the energy of the other employees or the energy of the job itself, and will there be a shift in my employment status at either job due to the releasing of the past? Or, just learning to readjust on my part? As always, thank you.” Jean, Pleasantville, NJ

Question: “ First, let me thank you again for the very insightful and wise direction from my last question. It is true that although I have been focusing on my career and financial creation there is a very big part that seems to be missing in my life. That part is meeting the right partner with whom I can further create and develop other aspects of my existence, including creating children. So far, I have not found my earth partner with whom to do this. Would you advise if this is something I did come to create - both marriage and the birth of my own children, or if perhaps my soul has other plans? If my original plan was to create these experiences, what do I need to do to manifest them in my life?” With Light and gratitude, Joanne

Question: “ Ma-Ryah, I was just recently diagnosed with an enlarged right ovary. The diagnosis of my last sonogram showed that I have a cyst inside my ovary. My doctor is sending me for yet another sonogram as a precaution. My doctor also found a very sensitive spot on my right breast. There is no cyst, however, she is still sending me for another mammogram. This is not the first time that my right breast supposedly had something in it. The second time I was sent, it was gone.

I am going through a lot of personal problems in my marriage right now. I often wonder if the stress and negativity I’m fighting is settling in these areas of my body? I’d like to know if either area is in danger of becoming cancerous? Can you advise me how to bring my body back to homeostasis ( balance)? Your guidance is truly appreciated.” Madaline, Iselin, NJ

May 11, 2007

Question: “ Ma-Ryah, I have been seeing the news about the honey bees decreasing in numbers. Although this has happened in the past and they have come back, is their disappearance more serious and will there be a return or further decrease in their existence? Also, what is the actual cause of their passing?”  Jean, Pleasantville, NJ

Question: “ Hi Ma-Ryah, Ever since I was younger, I have always wanted my own business. It is such a strong energy that I not only can see what the place looks like, I can also see the surrounding buildings and I can see and hear the people enjoying the food and the atmosphere. I actually feel as though my Soul is singing when I am preparing food or planning a party. I know in my heart that I will open, “ The Fourth Coin” someday and I will be successful, but right now I am finding it to be very challenging to figure out what to do next. I cater the occasional party and I do dessert orders. I get frustrated when people don’t call and something I thought would be a success isn’t. I don’t yet have the financial stability to support my endeavor. What can I do to continue to move forward and nurture my business? I’ve been using EFT to work thru limiting beliefs and it is helping, but I feel as though something is missing. How can I create differently so I can go forward and honor what I believe is really part of my purpose? Thank you for your help. God’s Blessings!” Rosanne, NJ

May 19, 2007

Question: “ God’s Blessings Ma-Ryah. I am working on the many shadows in my life. When I am awake, I can usually attribute any physical pain to recent events or thoughts. But there are times when I am sleeping and I am awoken with pains. What steps should I take when this happens? I do not choose to continue with this pain in my life. Thank you for your wisdom on what I can do to remove this pain on a more permanent basis.” L., NJ

May 27, 2007

Question: “ I doubt that you’ll remember me, but about ten years or so I attended one of your sessions held at Rosanne’s old massage center. At that time we had a private session in which you suggested that, with practice, I could perhaps use my mind to move pencils, etc. I have not been moving any pencils, needless to say, but then again I don’t feel any great loss over it, either.

Several months ago a psychic in New York gave me some specific advice: She told me to look for a white feather appearing near me. She told me not to pick up the feather if it was broken, but if it was intact to bring the feather into the house and store it in a safe place. Then I was to call her. Since that initial conference I have run across three white feathers ( all spaced over the course of a few months). Unfortunately, I can’t get into New York these days because of work and the woman giving me the advice said that it was difficult to tell me anything over the phone. I mentioned all of this to Rosanne the other day and she suggested I write to you and ask you about the possible significance of the white feathers suddenly appearing in front of me. Any ideas? I hesitate to even ask you about this because it sounds so ridiculous, but something about these white feathers continues to puzzle and intrigue me. I hope you are well. Take care.” Don, NJ

Question: “ God’s Blessings Ma-Ryah. I have started a new vocation in Real Estate and I am truly happy and for the first time in my life I don’t feel like I am getting up every day to go to work! It is fun, exciting and challenging. However, the draw back to this particular vocation is that money does not flow consistently and there is no weekly pay check. This makes for a challenge. I have been told about an opportunity that would possibly provide more steady income and still be in the real estate field but I would have to leave my current company and go to work for someone else. There are no guarantees with the other company either but they are more diverse and do rentals as well as sales of homes. My question is, am I with the right company and need to trust that all will work out well or would it be better for me to make the move and change companies? Thank you Ma-Ryah.” Deb in Ma.

Question: “ Greetings Ma-Ryah, I hope you can help me with a problem that is devastating my family. My son who is 29 years old is an alcoholic and we suspect that he may be using drugs. I have gone to see an alcohol/drug counselor who suggested that I seek out an interventionist who will work with the alcoholic and the family for six months. This person will get the alcoholic into rehab. This service is very expensive and I am having financial difficulties now so there is no way that I can afford to do this. I have been told my son needs to have a spiritual awakening to change. Do you see this happening?