
March 2007

March 3, 2007

Question: How is the soul and spirit separate? Aggie N.J.


Question: There is much attention focused on the Law of Attraction and The Secret at this time. Can you speak about this please?  Debbie L. N.J.

March 10, 2007

Question:” Will you please explain how can an infant attract illness or people in Africa can attract hunger? Why would they do that?” Debbie L., N.J

March 17, 2007

Question: “ My friend, Marianne is experiencing cancer in several places in her body. What can I do as a healer to assist her with this challenge? Would one modality of healing be more beneficial than another? “ Debbie L., N.J.

Question: “God’s blessings Ma-Ryah. This is Becky. I have questions from a couple of people. I was telling Kevin about the wolf that follows his little brother and he became very fascinated with guides and totems. He would like to know if he has any animal guides or totems, what their names are ( if they have any ) and what their purpose is. “ Becky, N.C.

March 24, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, I wonder if you can offer some clarity as I am going through a major transition in my life both professionally and personally. There are many venues I can take and yet none of them seem especially right. What is the best way to decide which venue to focus on? Or should I not try to decide on only one? Also as I go through this process how do I ensure that I remain financially secure? I would surely appreciate your guidance. With gratitude, Joanne “

March 31, 2007

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, There is so much focus on global warming. We continue to talk about the negative impact humans are having on the earth. We have also been hearing a lot about the belief that whatever you focus on you draw to you. Is this focus and talk creating more of a negative impact on earth or are we truly helping the problem by educating people? If we are magnifying this situation by focusing on it then how can we correct it for the positive? What approach can we take to resolve the impact on our planet?” Deb, Mass.

Question: “ Dear Ma-Ryah, Thank you. What great insight. I truly will have to continue to meditate on the answer you provided.

I do need some clarification please. When you say that I will be moving from the location that I am currently living in, do you mean I will be moving from the UK back to US or vice versa? I now spend my time in both places.

Also, is EFT the right tool to use for getting in touch and removing my blocks and limiting beliefs? What is the best tool for me to overcome my limiting beliefs and move into that state of abundance you speak of?

Thank you so much for reminding me of my gifts. One of the gifts resonated with what I already know in my heart but am fearing that I am not ready to attempt ( the working with youth) and the other I didn’t consciously acknowledge but it made perfect sense and had perfect resonance in my heart ( photo and writing combined).

Am I to think my consulting work will sustain me financially while I work on my dream? Finally, what animal is my guide?

With love and gratitude, Joanne”